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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Stardew Valley would be good for that.
  2. Taxes for social programs are bad, but losing your job because of tariffs is good.
  3. I only got to the first Pursuer fight in my DS2 playthrough (I've only played up to Lost Bastille), but it was easy since I knew the cheese method. Bed of Chaos can indeed fuck right off though; I had to summon just so it wouldn't spam that fucking sweeping attack which makes it impossible to get to its weak points.
  4. Maybe people have come around, but on the old board there was plenty of, 'Men get it just as bad' and 'It's just talk on the internet, get over it' arguments being thrown around.
  5. Given what happened to Alison Rapp, I'm reflexively skeptical any time a woman is scrutinized by gaming communities. Regardless of whether or not it was justified in this instance, let's not pretend like women in gaming don't face a distinct and disproportionate amount of toxicity.
  6. I absolutely lost it at the cutaway to the duct.
  7. Like: Sausage Pepperoni Spinach Garlic Red Pepper Flakes Hate: Olives Onion (I normally love onion, but for some reason I hate it on pizza) Mushrooms I'm indifferent toward peppers on pizza.
  8. Oh, I would also revamp US Soccer by forcing all athletes to seek my approval before playing anything but soccer. All elite American athletes have to play soccer.
  9. Implement a negative income tax; reduce other welfare spending as a result Increase the federal minimum wage to $12 and tie it to inflation Merge Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA spending into one entity and allow public enrollment (private insurance can stick around for those who want it) Tax capital gains and dividends as income Institute an estate tax for estates over $2 million dollars Implement universal baby bonds, which fully vest at age 18 and can be used for any purpose; the amount per individual is based on their family AGI at time of birth A marginal tax rate of 45% for incomes over $1 million Institute a carbon tax Lower the corporate tax rate to 20% Legalize and regulate marijuana Legalize and regulate prostiution Declare sexual orientation as a fully protected class Ban all semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines Destroy Carthage
  10. It's always crazy how individualized the difficulty for Soulsborne bosses can be...I one-shotted Smough & Ornstein (DS1), Kalameet (DS1), and Prince Lothric (DS3), all of whom are considered pretty challenging, but Gaping Dragon (DS1) and Amygdala (BB) gave me fucking fits, and both of those are considered reasonably easy.
  11. Thing is, the NBA has always been about consolidating talent. The Showtime Lakers, Jordan playing on obscenely under-valued contracts, the Shaq-Kobe Lakers, all of the modern era 'Big Threes' (San Antonio, Boston, Miami, etc.) The massive salary cap increase just took it to its logical conclusion.
  12. It's only fitting that the awesomeness of Belgium-Japan is being followed up with this garbage.
  13. She's still done a whole lot better than most in terms of making other business for herself.
  14. Lisa Ann. She's not my favorite, but when you consider her business acumen on top of her looks and performance, I think it's hard to argue how iconic she is.
  15. Nothing motivates a GK quite like the ever looming threat of seppuku.
  16. Just took out Gwyn on my first Dark Souls Remastered playthrough; immediately launched into NG+ and started a new caster character (which will be novel, because I've almost never used magic in the Souls games).
  17. She’s apparently a freak, too. During the Fappening horrific violation of privacy scandal, her nudes leaked with all sorts of commentary about how she liked to be choked and take it in the ass.
  18. I have limited experience with federal and state funds, but if you ever need help, feel free to PM me to see if I can offer any guidance.
  19. As a professional grant writer, I could have saved you whatever you paid for that damn thing.
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