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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I don't know what is legal in PA, but the only club I've been to had alcohol, fully nude stage dances, and the dancers touched patrons (and patrons could touch back during private dances if the girl allowed). I think the girls were also allowed to do fully nude private dances if they wanted.
  2. I'd still overlook it. In my opinion, pants that are too tight are much less egregious than pants that are too baggy. What else can you tell us? How fat or skinny is the tie? Is it shiny or matte? Is it patterned? Does he have on a tie clip? Are his belt and shoes the same color? What color is is shirt?
  3. It depends; if they are otherwise sharply dressed, I would be willing to look past it. However if they are otherwise dressed like a fucking dweeb, I will 100% judge them on it.
  4. Asking a Puerto Rican if they are an American citizen is up there with demanding government stays out of Medicare.
  5. If you want to make a thread about bougie pizza, feel free! Proletariat pizza is the standard.
  6. As always, it's worth pointing out that basically all chain pizza is fine, and y'all need to temper the hyperbole when talking about food that is served in a cardboard box.
  7. The Qataris are not letting Neymar and Mbappe slip away.
  8. “Some disabled persons rely on the flexibility of plastic straws.” Riley: “Buy long-lasting metal straws you rubes.”
  9. My man, we're talking about the type of stuff that gets delivered to your door at 1AM in a cardboard box. Who the fuck gets basil on their pizza in that context?
  10. I vomit in my mouth a little bit anytime someone thanks Trump and in the same breath praises women.
  11. And those are the same thing in this instance. If you have equally qualified candidates, and you select the minority over the straight white man for the sake of representation, you are simultaneously being more inclusive while dismissing the latter on the basis of his gender and race.
  12. You literally just posted that SilentWorld's thinking on a more inclusive SCOTUS was racist.
  13. You said the notion that the Supreme Court should be more inclusive is racist; it's only racist if the assertion is that race should supersede qualification. If there are qualified minority or female candidates, there's nothing racist or sexist about preferring their nomination for the sake of a more inclusive Supreme Court. And there are, doubtlessly, qualified minority and female candidates.
  14. Your argument hinges on the notion that there are no qualified minority/female candidates, and if that's the case, how do you know that to be a fact?
  15. Or, better yet, push for a trans actor to get a non-trans role. Because while the under-representation of trans actors is a problem, I think it would be just as big of a problem if trans actors were perpetually typecast for trans roles.
  16. Yeah, navigate a sensitive air-tight container through a narrow, winding cave path flooded with water. What could go wrong?
  17. How long before morons on social media brag about hoarding plastic straws?
  18. The President of the United States was caught on tape joking and/or bragging about sexual assault, there are openly white supremicst rallies in American cities, and people are being filmed telling Hispanics they hate them ‘because they’re Mexican’. But yeah you’re right, this shit is beyond the pale. Truly the height of uncivilized discourse.
  19. Oh Christ that did not look good.
  20. I don’t like this, the Croats look gassed. Modric is barely staying on his feet.
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