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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Find out where all the Coke executives live, burn down their homes, then let the proletariat build on the land.
  2. That's how I perceive it. Case in point, just look at how Bernie and Trump talked about the TPP:
  3. Because even though free trade benefits everyone, the benefits are most visible for businesses and the ruling class, both of which are considered villainous by progressives in the US.
  4. A bullet in the head of every capitalist pig.
  5. My goal is to look like Xherdan Shaqiri. Going to need about 10 pounds of muscle and probably 5%ish BF reduction.
  6. I don't visit the local libraries very often (parking in gentrifying neighborhoods is a pain in the ass), but they are incredibly dope. I'm all about public libraries.
  7. I went to Easter mass with my dad a few years ago, and an elderly man collapsed during the service...It started by hearing a woman call out 'Father!' at some point during a reading, and the priest eventually noticed what was happening and asked any medical personnel to attend to him. A few people jogged over and started administering CPR, and after a minute or so the guy came to and let out the most unbelievable gasp as he finally breathed in (I'll seriously never forget that sound).
  8. All of my Souls builds (except for DS2; fucking ADP) follow the same pattern: level VIT - END - STR equally until they are all 30-32, level STR up to 35, then get DEX to 25. I know it's not quality but it's always worked for me.
  9. I had a Bronx Summer Pale Ale; pretty delicious.
  10. Man, I love Two Buck Chuck - anytime I know someone going to a state where the TJs sell wine, I have them pick me up a case - but I can't imagine taking a sip and thinking, 'This is my favorite wine.'
  11. Pumpkin-flavored Nah dog we really just dumped a bunch of cinnamon and nutmeg into this bitch-flavored
  12. This is a thread to discuss what we have learned today (whatever day that may be). Today while reading the fabulous SPQR by Mary Beard (which I have been woefully slow getting into), I learned about the legend of Romulus and Remus, who were said to have been suckled by a wolf after being left for dead (it's thought that detail may be rooted in the Latin word 'lupa', which means wolf, but was also slang for a prostitute, i.e. they were cared for by a whore). I also learned about Rome's original roots as a city of asylum and the rape of the Sabines (which the Romans needed to grow the city).
  13. The coffee stouts Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada occasionally have in their winter variety packs are awesome.
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