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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I get five weeks of PTO plus holidays, and we shut down between Christmas and New Years. But, all my PTO is in one pot (sick days are not separate) and days don’t roll over.
  2. Two reasons: 1. The system is struggling with the influx of baby boomer retirees; and 2. Social Security taxes are only collected on the first $128,000 of income (which is what SFLU is speaking to).
  3. My new upstairs neighbors (duplex) are Georgian, which is great! What is not great is the fact they have a fucking newborn. Just burn the place down around me now, Ilia & Natia!
  4. From some reason I love Evo even though I hate fighting games. Something about the spectacle is super entertaining.
  5. Who said Pittsburgh doesn't get good sushi, or that I've otherwise never been somewhere with good sushi? Teppanyaki is more than just Benihana, you jamoke.
  6. I'm wholly apathetic when it comes to sushi. Teppanyaki is the superior Japanese cuisine.
  7. - Trump will win in 2020 - LeBron won't win a championship in Los Angeles What other tenuous bets would you like to place, @SFLUFAN? Think Cyberpunk won't be out by the end of 2019?
  8. Regardless of the verdict for conspiracy or failing to register as a foreign agent, he's not escaping tax fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering.
  9. Nah, they've made it out alright based on the timing of their position:
  10. Hm, which can I stomach more: doctors making smaller-but-still-six-figure incomes, or seeing the poor priced out of health care? Tough decision!
  11. I'm part of a craft beer group on Facebook, and someone posted a photo of a huge German hop farm (vastly bigger than anything you would find in America) with the comment, 'Shame they don't put more in their beer.' The rube was lecturing Germans - people who take the purity of their beer so seriously there are laws to protect it - about their beer! What a jamoke.
  12. My dad brought back a bunch of $2.99 Chuck (cab and syrah) from a trip out of state, so that + the remaining Voodoo stuff I have will carry me forward for the next week or so. Not sure what beer(s) to get next.
  13. Man, you escaped the LDS. Live a little! Have some beers and stick your tongue in a nice juicy butthole.
  14. A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.
  15. Blatant tax cuts for the rich, threatened shutdowns of the federal government, tariffs that cripple American farmers and manufacturing, all in a midterm year. Just hook this shit up to my veins. Do it, Stevey.
  16. Health care in America would be much more affordable if we simply executed the capitalists.
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