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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Actually I’m pretty sure they decided its worth when they offered to do it for free.
  2. I wouldn't cross a picket line, and I think comparing this to a picket line does an extreme disservice to the importance (and for those participating, the consequences) of striking. This is just a bunch of self-important dweebs gatekeeping content and communities they don't own.
  3. I don't think I need to outline the difference between people striking for the sake of their livelihoods and volunteer internet moderators protesting API pricing and rules. Go make your own site if you don't like the owner's decisions. Pretty pointless way of looking at it, huh?
  4. So? Again, the question at hand is not whether reddit or the mods are right - it's whether or not the mods are justified compromising the site for most users for the sake of their own interests. How is that any different than a kid walking up to an unobserved bowl of Halloween candy and taking the whole thing, other trick-or-treaters be damned? Then telling the kids walking up afterwards, 'Hey, blame the house for putting out the bowl unobserved!'
  5. The ability to do it doesn’t justify it, that is insane logic. A poor decision on Reddit’s part does not justify ruining the platform for the majority of users, none of whom are responsible for the decision being made. I struggle to see how it is anything but a massive temper tantrum.
  6. That assumes (a) mods will leave en masse and (b) that they cannot be replaced, neither of which is necessarily true. It's also not an apt comparison because this isn't a matter of changing moderation policies/infrastructure, it's about API pricing/rules, which are completely unrelated. You can try to justify it all you want but it doesn't change how childish it is to fuck up the site for the 90% of users who wouldn't be affected or otherwise don't care, and quite frankly the stunt just makes me hope that reddit tells the remaining 10% to fuck off.
  7. The wisdom of Reddit’s decision doesn’t justify ruining the experience for everyone else. That’s the kind of logic kids use on a playground when they take their ball and go home.
  8. Doesn’t really matter, because either way a minority of users are compromising the experience for the majority, which is fucked up! If they don’t like the changes, don’t be a mod (or don’t post).
  9. The Road remains one of the greatest pieces of fiction I’ve ever read. Blood Meridian was incredible as well. Haven’t read any of his other works but his latest releases are on my wishlist.
  10. Exactly why Jack Smith didn't charge him for any of the documents that were returned after the subpoena was served.
  11. Teams in 1st don’t sell. Need another good arm in the rotation, who are the Yanks selling?
  12. Messi has made enough that the opportunity cost is non-existent. He is rich, he will always be rich, and the consequences of this versus another opportunity are superficial from a financial standpoint.
  13. I saw an interesting post on reddit that postulated his contract structure with Apple/Adidas will make it easy for Barca to get him on loan with minimal disruption to his time with Miami...Not sure a player his age can play that much (especially with the Copa next year) but it's an interesting idea.
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