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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Also I'm not standing for the 'Five Guys isn't fast food' takes. Anytime your food is being handed to you in a paper bag, it is fast food.
  2. kab used to say the same thing before he moved to the Bay Area and became poly, maybe you just need a few girlfriends to appreciate it.
  3. Five Guys makes their fries fresh too and they don’t suck. As mentioned if you have to cover them in stuff to make them good, then they aren’t good.
  4. I was at a Wawa as recently as a month ago and breakfast was only being served until 10-11 (whatever the exact time is). Maybe some of them are opening up the menu like that, but definitely not all of them.
  5. People love to play up Wawa vs Sheetz but they're just like...different things. Sheetz is great because the menu is insane, everything is customizable, and you can order whatever you want whenever you want. Want a breakfast burrito and curly fries at 11PM? Go for it. Wawa just isn't that, though it is quite good.
  6. Stepee absolutely has a nickname amongst the staff of his local Subway. Those cats recognize him the second he walks in.
  7. Chris-

    Is there a God?

    One of my lasting memories studying Descartes was some dipshit being loud about his disagreement and the professor looking him dead in the eyes and asking, 'Many smart people have spent over three centuries trying to prove him wrong, and no one has done it yet - what makes you think you've finally cracked it?' Dead silence.
  8. Couldn't be more obvious that this is the guy who's gonna flip:
  9. 4(e) seems interestingly specific. I wonder how much chutzpah the DA/judge have…
  10. I’ve started getting into the NYT Crossword; I’ve never really done crosswords before but I’m enjoying them, and have been doing a bunch since I’ve had a lot of down time at work. Right now I can complete a Wednesday (mid-tier difficulty) and can get through a decent amount of Thursday’s and Friday’s. Maybe someday I’ll be able to do a Saturday. I’ve also been enjoying the beginning of the Premier League, MW1 had a lot of fun matches. I also got my sutures out on Thursday! I can move my foot a little (up to 90 degrees) and starting Tuesday I can put 25% of my weight on it. Can’t keep me down.
  11. No one on the West Coast knows what good fries are because of (a) In-n-Out, and (b) instead of fry stands (and slice shops, but that’s a different discussion) their beaches have taco stands, so they don’t have as many opportunities to experience what good fries should be like.
  12. Landing in San Diego actually requires special training/certification because of that.
  13. @stepee do you just order the entire condiment menu?
  14. THANK GOD ITS PIZZZA FRIDAY A NEW SPOT! Got the specialty ‘Drunk Meatball’ - vodka sauce, meatballs, basil, ricotta. Absolutely spectacular, the crust was otherworldly.
  15. I work in marketing/advertising so most of my work day is spent talking in corporate speak (which is especially nebulous when it comes to things like brands).
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