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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I went with the pizza because they didn’t have any fixings out for the hot dogs.
  2. I ain’t getting rona it’s take out only, y’all trippin.
  3. The chicken bake is gross and I would not order it so don’t even say it.
  4. Great, now I’ll have to see some shitty ass Eli Valley comic posted all over Twitter.
  5. I go to climbing gyms I’m a VITA volunteer Do cool drugs (marijuana) And I like to FUCK
  6. I mean the virus hasn’t even been around for a year, so it’s kind of hard to know.
  7. I got the 8”/10” set, which I think was $90ish before cashing in the points.
  8. Nothing. Chase Reward Points, baby! That's not all of our All Clad stuff either; my girlfriend grew up literally right down the street from their factory (her dad even worked there for a brief time), so we have all sorts of stuff from when they do their factory sales.
  9. Would you like it with ketchup as well?
  10. Grew tired of the cheap ass Tfal's from Target that always went to shit more or less immediately (and were mediocre at best in terms of heat retention), so I splurged some credit card reward points on these bad boys and have realized my investment 1,000%. They are so fucking good. Absolutely nothing sticks to them, they heat up crazy quickly, and because they have a steel base they retain heat as well as any other pan you can think of (even cast-iron). I would cook a strip steak in these with absolutely no hesitation.
  11. First off I never advocated for a federal mask mandate, I just said any impact of a toothless mandate is worthwhile; those aren't necessarily inclusive positions. Second, what Joe said. Though for the sake of the exercise, let's flip the question around: show me the cost (real or figurative) of a federal mask mandate. I am confident even a nominal amount of saved lives makes it a worthwhile exercise.
  12. First off I never advocated for a federal mask mandate, I just said any impact of a toothless mandate is worthwhile; those aren't necessarily inclusive positions. Second, what Joe said. Though for the sake of the exercise, let's flip the question around: show me the cost (real or figurative) of a federal mask mandate. I am confident even a nominal amount of saved lives makes it a worthwhile exercise.
  13. Basic math. Ten million Americans have been infected - a number which increases by 100k every day - and hundreds are dying every day. Even if it only increase adoption by 1%, it is worth it, even if that isn’t a ‘meaningful’ increase. Put more simply: pedantry can piss off when people’s lives are at risk.
  14. I never said it would meaningfully increase usage, I said any increase in usage is worth it. There’s a difference.
  15. Anything McConnell says over the next six weeks needs to be taken into context, which is that there are two runoff elections in a traditionally red state that just went blue. If Trump says ‘Fuck the GOP leadership’ (which he may very well do anyways!) then his ass is going to see Vice President Harris casting tie-breaking votes every week.
  16. You’ve now cited that 60-65 range twice, so I’m gonna need a source on that one, hombre.
  17. Over 100k people are testing positive every day, so the answer to your question is ‘Who cares’. Even if a legal mandate is toothless, whatever gains can be reaped are worth it, even if they are relatively small.
  18. I think you are under estimating the number of people who will do something because it is even nominally required from a legal standpoint. There’s no consequence for running a stop sign if no one is around, but plenty of people still stop because they inherently will follow whatever has been proscribed.
  19. Wade’s going to see ‘ending’ and ‘Haberman’ in the headline and end up massively disappointed when he reads the actual article.
  20. Japanese Hentai Is Now Banned in Australia WWW.VICE.COM The comics are now regarded as “illegal pornography,” following fears of child porn being brought into the country.
  21. I welled up watching this: Like you said, he's not the best and there is still a long road of frustration ahead. But this election proved that the path to a better world is still there, and it is still worth the squeeze. Our country is cynical and broken but you cannot give up the faith.
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