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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Nintendo is like that Uncle that used to insist on taking pictures of you in your bathing suit, even during winter. You question his motivations and intentions, but you still love him.
  2. Hopefully it's part of some sort of negotiation. Like you give SR 5 (or whatever new Deep Silver game) a switch release if we agree to sell your 7 year old game for 30 bucks. Or they're just trying to pay off creditors.
  3. https://people.com/movies/inception-michael-caine-reveals-ending/ Mystery solved! Or maybe it was solved years ago... I dunno. Xoxo
  4. I disliked most of the Andy and Erin goofiness towards the end. I was never a big Erin fan to begin with. I probably could've done without Nellie, too. EDIT: I'm not sure what season or episode, but one of my favorite intros was when everyone was trying to remember if Stanley had a mustache or not.
  5. We used to watch movies together. Now we have a baby on the way.
  6. It was slow as shit. The entire episode was pretty much Vince Gilligan edging on-screen. I'm invested, though, so I'm in for the ride.
  7. Those are the men and women that are into poopy sex stuff, right? @Pretzel @projectmayhem
  8. I probably won't pay the 40 for it, but is it worth checking out? I have it on PC, but never finished it.
  9. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ready-aim-hire-a-fortnite-coach-parents-enlist-videogame-tutors-for-their-children-1533046708 What is this game?!?
  10. Hi Daniel. Everything is going very poorly right now. Pretty sure I have ruined my life, which was already shitty to begin with. I hope you're doing well! How's Ireland?
  11. We haven't texted in quite awhile, but I miss him. I'll call him soon. I hope he is doing well and having a fantastic marriage.
  12. Just wait until he accidentally group texts your entire family a picture of his penis that was only meant for your mom.
  13. Yeah, I can't see this lasting. Roseanne is most likely a despicable person in real life, but her character (and Goodman) were the glue that held the show together. I imagine that I'm going to eye roll at however they write her out. They should just do a few of those 'New Becky/Old Becky' style 4'th wall breaks and have Kathy Bates replace Roseanne. I think she's a little older, but she could pull it off. I'd watch that. But anywho, I'll watch this until it gets canned.
  14. Thank you for all of the well wishes. I must admit, I am a little confused by the comments about impregnating a man. Being heterosexual and all, why would I have relations with a man?
  15. Thank You, Minnesota Fatz. We'll be looking for a baby sitter soon, so I'll be in touch.
  16. and now Day One Patch owes me child support... starting October 22'ish. You may think that the timeline doesn't add up, but I assure you it does. THIS IS ON YOU, WADE... or corrupt databases, I'm not sure which. It's a girl...
  17. My lack of electrical knowledge is shocking.
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