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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. Yeah, Deck 13 has done a good job putting their own spin on the Soulslike subgenre.
  2. Before I read that article, I had no idea he worked for McKinsey. He could have worked anywhere, and he chose one of the worst consulting firms in the world.
  3. The next iPhone will have two way wireless charging so that’s probably one factor that led to the AirPower cancellation. They also gave a (shitty) apology for their terrible laptop keyboards https://www.macrumors.com/2019/03/27/apple-apologizes-about-third-gen-keyboard-issues/
  4. If Auburn wins the championship, it will be vacated before the next season starts.
  5. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/380878-trump-blasts-obama-for-leaving-so-many-judicial-vacancies
  6. 1. Blade 2. Logan 3. Deadpool 4. X2: X-Men United 5. Spider-Man
  7. It would have been funnier if they pretended to lower the price on the 2080 Ti
  8. Michigan St is going to keep the B1G runner up streak going for another year
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