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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. The politics were the most important part of the discussion. What she said wasn’t anti-Semitic, and even if it was, other politicians have said much worse with little to no outcry. Knowing that, I have little patience for pedantic arguments that don’t address what really going on. And honestly at this point, people who still fall for the anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism arguments deserve to be mocked.
  2. Khabib might literally kill him if there's a rematch
  3. The heritage foundation and Mitt Romney must be sad that the GOP shits all over their healthcare plan
  4. Maybe today is the day the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory becomes real
  5. Shes the closest but still pretty far away. Bernie is hostile to capitalism whereas she promises to be a competent manager of capitalism.
  6. You are mostly complaining about the form. There is almost always substance but it’s not the kind people want to discuss. The memes and retweets are also more sophisticated than most of the discussion on this board. For example, look at the discussions on the failed coup in Venezuela and the phony accusations anti-semitism against Omar. I got right to the point of what was really going on whereas certain others cluelessly flailed around. A trashy meme that makes a good point is better than an aimless West Wing style conservation that looks pretty but contains no substance.
  7. This should be a bigger controversy after what happened in Pittsburgh but oh well
  8. Gamestop should ditch video games and exclusively sell Rick and Morty board games and Pokemon stuffed animals
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