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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. Will the boards be down for E3 this year?
  2. it would be nice if this info wasn’t public
  3. Episode transcript https://link.medium.com/c35gs0AefX
  4. 11:12 am Safari does all the heavy lifting, so you won't get mobile site but will get a desktop site sized for the iPad display. Works for Google Docs, SquareSpace and Wordpress. Download manager, 30 new keyboard shortcuts. 11:11 am Safari on iPad adds "Desktop-class browsing" 11:10 am Import photos directly to apps from a camera. 11:10 am USB drive and SD card support. 11:10 am Built-in support for SMB file sharing. 11:09 am iCloud Drive folder sharing. 11:09 am File preview, quick actions, rich metadata. 11:07 am Multi-window capability for apps on iPad. Can show two windows from the same app, side by side. 11:06 am Multitasking with Slideover. Drag up to swipe through Slideover apps, like app switching on an iPhone X. also no more shake to undo much closer to a laptop experience now
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