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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. I also don’t think most people really care if Bernie supporters are assholes or not. Some people, especially on this board, need something to attack Bernie with because what he stands for is good and they don’t want to admit they oppose it. It all boils down to liberals not being able to handle criticism from the left.
  2. Republicans impeached Clinton for bullshit reasons. Trump could be impeached using nothing other than direct quotes.
  3. people who have that opinion of Bernie supporters wouldn't vote for him in the first place. that image is mostly confined to extremely online liberals
  4. The next 5 Republican presidents will hire her
  5. Alex Jones did a dramatic reading of an article titled “Can We Stop Pretending Like Abortions Don’t Feel Good?“ @3:20
  6. I’m okay with the Celtics listening to Rich Paul
  7. KD’s injury will create a solid amount of content for the offseason
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