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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. Obama's initial response was good and then he wussed out
  2. if the US media reported on the US the way they report on other countries
  3. probably not a good sign that our papers of record are playing make believe
  4. The midwest is full of shitty metal bands that all sound the same. I guess that’s one way to stand out
  5. the downside of being in the Funny Accounts tab
  6. that's what people should do but it defeats the purpose of using a standard cable/connector
  7. I imagine a lot of people want to use the same charger they use for their phone
  8. what Neil deGrasse Tyson is trying to say is that liberal arts degrees are important and stem lords sometimes have trouble communicating
  9. USB-C is great for people who like researching their cables and printing out labels
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