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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. If you think they're the same, maybe you've taken too many breaks from media. Sanders and Warren are the only two candidates on the left side of the political spectrum but there is still a considerable gap between them.
  2. this is how we end up in a world where Tucker Carlson has a better critique of capitalism than Democrats. mind-boggling stupidity
  3. WaPo editors know what will happen to their careers if they hire leftists or promote labor friendly ideas. Bezos doesn't need to micromanage the Washington Post to get the results he wants. I can't be the only person here who has read Manufacturing Consent.
  4. left politics has become more popular over the past few years but there really aren't leftist columnists at these newspapers. wonder why. in contrast, "never Trump" Republicans have plenty of columns despite the absence of never Trumpers in the wild.
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