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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. https://splinternews.com/chris-matthews-is-a-strong-candidate-for-man-with-the-w-1837228565
  2. you're better off not knowing He’s a #resistance guy who doesn’t like the left because they criticize his clients
  3. I’d hate to see what's being posted in their secret Facebook group right now
  4. video published July 17th shows the iMac on the desk to the right the iMac is missing from a video published on July 28th
  5. yeah he's had a very quilette summer. he also said Omar and Tlaib aren't real midwesterners https://thehill.com/homenews/house/455514-ocasio-cortez-blasts-nyt-editor-for-suggestion-tlaib-omar-arent-representative
  6. it's a little weird that it took the FBI so long to raid Little St. James. the q anon boomers beat them there!
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