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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/attack-major-saudi-oil-facility-was-launched-iran-us-intelligence-n1055101 #resist unless Republicans want to go to war
  2. https://www.macstories.net/news/apple-announces-release-dates-for-os-updates-new-iphones-and-apple-watch-2/ all of the release dates
  3. The pic wouldn’t be complete without all the junk on his porch
  4. I was last charged for moviepass in June but I was still able to use it a couple times in August. A fitting end to MoviePass.
  5. Guns aren’t a big enough issue to sink a candidate. Even if it was, gun lovers use the same attacks against Dems regardless of their stance on the issue. Gun people act like all Dems support confiscation.
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