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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oregon/articles/2018-11-21/prosecutors-clear-portland-fedex-driver-in-deadly-punch
  2. I don’t really know what you are trying to say here. The left will criticize Harris because she’s career prosecutor. Conservatives will attack her because she’s a Democrat and a WOC. These aren’t similar at all. I assume Schumer didn’t get challenged because the senate is trash and always will be trash (and it’s composition didn’t really change much in the midterms). Anyways here’s some fun Schumer articles https://theweek.com/articles/807860/chuck-schumer-feckless-hack https://theintercept.com/2018/11/16/chuck-schumer-caved-to-facebook-and-donald-trump-he-shouldnt-lead-senate-democrats/
  3. I said she is a genuine about her political beliefs and her policies are popular with most people. That’s not true about most conservative targets.
  4. She’s more likely to come off as genuine and not as a swamp monster. It’s very easy to dislike someone like Clinton who can talk about supporting labor but also is secretive about her speeches at big banks. Or claim to care about human rights and then accept donations from Persian gulf tyrants. AOC’s tweets do show that she can put up a fight and is not a hapless nerd like Warren
  5. The all 22 is footage of games that is recorded high above the field so it shows what all 22 players are doing during a play. Last night’s game probably produced the best all 22 film for this season. He wants it to be uploaded to brazzers, a porn site. Chiefs vs Rams was football porn. You are probably better off not knowing any of this.
  6. It shouldn’t be too long. People have been asking for an edit feature for a decade and twitter is now thinking about it.
  7. I want one for pet hair but my dogs would probably destroy it. anyways Newegg has one on sale
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