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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. I shouldn’t need to say this but I wasn’t being serious Also, you probably shouldn’t be insulting people when you have a history of linking to reason.com and PUA blogs and posting rants about the age of consent.
  2. I’m surprised this bothers you since Nate Silver constantly said Trump wouldn’t win the GOP nomination but you still post his charts and graphs. 🤷‍♂️
  3. nice job Democrats https://thehill.com/policy/defense/421044-house-gop-blocks-lawmakers-from-forcing-yemen-war-votes-for-rest-of-year
  4. Democrats won’t pick up any other state besides Pennsylvania. Trump only needs Wisconsin and Michigan, which are two very white states.
  5. I doubt that would happen. Trump has the advantage even if Democrats rally around their candidate. The funniest possible scenario is Bernie getting the nomination and Bloomberg running as an independent with the support of the people who complain about Nader and Stein
  6. I haven’t played many 2018 games but I’d like to give RDR2 negative points
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