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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. who among us hasn't given up $30k per month in solidarity with two of the worst racists and sexists on the internet
  2. the author is black so it's okay. riiiight I can't imagine making that argument with a straight face. anyways the author will likely regret the article in a few years and adopt left leaning politics
  3. well he said it so it has to be true anyways here's ham sarris (not racist) sharing an article that argues that racial inequality is due to black culture, not slavery and racism
  4. https://www.fastcompany.com/90283289/atheist-podcaster-sam-harris-says-hes-done-with-patreon-because-of-deplatforming https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/jmk9xy/weird-british-conservative-commentators Carl Benjamin is also too racist for the UK Independence Party
  5. Flynn has a few more months to extradite the traitor Gulen to Turkey
  6. it's cute that corporate media is trying to blame facebook and Russians while ignoring the billions in free advertising they gave to Trump in 2015 and 2016
  7. it's not really a "government shutdown" when only the good parts of government get shutdown.
  8. Until there's proof of something more than negligible influence, the Russian conspiracy is nothing more than a distraction for liberals who want to forget that they lost to a reality tv star
  9. You’ve posted pictures of yourself wearing a suit with shoulder pads and doing hover hands. Maybe you shouldn’t post things like this.
  10. Kind of hard to have an honest discussion with people who start with the assumption that Russians crappy ads had a meaningful impact on the election
  11. got my ass also, it doesn't matter if the 2008 Hillary supporters are the same or different from the 2016 Hillary supporters.
  12. c'mon guys there are probably dozens of people who were genuinely swayed by the Russian ads. I have faith you can find one.
  13. have liberals found a single person who claims the Russian ads changed his or her voting decision? that's a better place to start than claiming that ads that look like dasharez0ne posts led to Trump's victory
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