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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. Our current system: most people live paycheck to paycheck and a very small number of people control a huge portion of the wealth Socialism: everyone’s needs are provided for which one is extreme 🤔
  2. If this thread doesn’t exist, we’ll miss out when the “Bernie has a black voter problem” narrative becomes “Bernie is a racist”
  3. Trying to primary him would be career suicide
  4. It’s funny that the guy who now does the most posturing as a “reasonable Republican” is one of the original tea partiers
  5. I was thinking all of them should be launched into the sun but crucifixion is good too However I don’t think cable companies are going to ban the most popular cable news channel.
  6. so can we stop pretending there are good Republicans? maybe end the foolish practice of trying to appeal to fictional moderate Republicans
  7. deplatforming is extremely good, and any decent platform should ban people like Milo and Carlgon It's also funny how the free speech warriors only get upset when rich and/or rightwing guys are mildly inconvenienced but then have nothing say about a situation like the J20 protesters arrested and charged bullshit felonies
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