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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. If Corbyn backed privatization and deregulation tomorrow, the anti-semitism story would go away. Funny how that works
  2. I’m bothered when phony anti-semitic accusations are lobbied against people as a way to discredit them without addressing the underlying political disagreement. show me why you think Corbyn is an anti-Semite. There are probably a few hundred guardian articles you can look through if you have trouble finding anything
  3. it’s nice to see one candidate proposing something worthwhile. Ditch the means testing nonsense, and it could be good
  4. showing support for Palestinians is anti-semitism according to those people the whole “Corbyn is an anti-Semite” narrative is nothing more than elites freaking out about him opposing neoliberal policies. It’s the same tactic as calling Bernie Sanders sexist or racist.
  5. LMAO at anyone believing the anti-semitism accusations rich blairites don’t want to pay taxes
  6. Sorkin would bring this back without Jeff Newsroom getting me too’d
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