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Everything posted by RedSoxFan9

  1. I didn’t buy the argument that Joe Rogan is a gateway to the alt-lite but he’s really trying to change my mind
  2. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jack-dorsey-twitter-interview_us_5c3e2601e4b01c93e00e2a00 Dorsey showing off his genius in this interview
  3. https://www.lapoliticaonline.com/nota/117905-exclusivo-pence-cruzo-reproches-con-guaido-en-la-cumbre-de-bogota/ Mike Dense strikes again
  4. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/identity-evropa-steve-king-chats_n_5c802d39e4b06ff26ba54911
  5. Link’s Awakening Chrono Trigger Bonk’s Adventure
  6. I can’t wait for the 2020 campaigns to be compared to GoT. I guess it’s better than Harry Potter though
  7. Knuckleballer testing positive for PEDs
  8. Seems like a good way to break your switch
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