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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Gary Whitta scrubbed his negative Star Wars posts from NeoGAF back when he was first brought on to help write Rogue One. People in prominent positions should probably go through their social media and clean out things they don't want people seeing.
  2. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but "do not openly insult our customers" probably doesn't need to be explicitly spelled out somewhere for employees to follow it.
  3. I dunno, publicly calling out a popular streamer for your game a "rando asshat" seems pretty actionable regardless of whether she's outspoken on social media about some issues.
  4. I was in DC a month ago and it was the first time I saw a MAGA hat in the wild. It did seem mostly like younger people. Saw some older people wear a blue hat with "TRUMP" in big lettering on the front.
  5. One of the things that has always pissed me off about my company is that every town hall meeting they seem to hold they bring up dividends. Not a stockholder's meeting, employee town hall and they're bragging to their employees about how their handing out more money to stockholders instead of increasing pay/benefits for their employees.
  6. Similarly, my brother went to Europe (Germany, Poland, Amsterdam) a month ago a recalled that casual racism seemed way more prevalent than he's seen in the US. Particularly how people talked about foreign soccer players and stuff like that.
  7. I pay taxes on Steam purchases and those aren't even physical items. Hell Chicago has been kicking around a tax on streaming services.
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