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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Texas enacted a mask mandate recently, right? Sorry, not "mask mandate," I mean "stripped people of their God-given rights to breathe without a thin layer of cloth covering their mouth."
  2. IF they're going to give him the stage at the Convention then he can't just endorse Biden/slam Trump, he has to actively repudiate parts of the Republican platform that he once espoused. Trump is just one part of the larger sickness that is the Republican party. Even if its something like saying "Trump has exposed the hate and damaging affects of (anti-LGBT, worker exploitation, etc). Furthermore, since this is a virtual event and I don't trust any Republican as far as I can throw them with a live mic, it should be a vetted, prerecorded statement.
  3. Who cares at this point. If Biden wins just pack the courts. If Republicans don't like it they can sue. Not like checks and balances means anything anymore.
  4. After Tara Reade faded into obscurity I don't think anything Trump can say about Biden can stick. Any claims from the right about Biden will just look like desperate shit slingling.
  5. I would suppose the scandal is in whether the loans went to the people that needed them and not just well-connected people who are looking for a free handout.
  6. We, to be fair there were very few black people in my hometown. My graduating class in high-school had a couple hundred people and we had one black kid.
  7. My hometown: https://abc7.com/i-believe-in-white-power-woman-charged-in-face-mask-dispute/6304349/
  8. I liked the first one, and the second one seemed good but I just couldn't "get into it." Steam has me at only 6 hours on the second game.
  9. From his Wiki page: edit - While on the topic of weird Japanese politics, this is something I may have posted on this site before, but I wrote it up years ago. It was the first full day of my first trip to Japan and was about my interaction with a dude in Ueno Park. His name is Hideo Asano, you can Google him up, I'm not the only person to have one of these interactions. I'll remember his name and remember this conversation for as long as I live.
  10. She's gonna name a lot of people that aren't Trump and then Trump/Barr are going to protect her.
  11. I know "Leopards Eating Faces" and all that, and its fun to laugh at these people, but I'd really love to just see them sit down and try to logically explain why they didn't think they would be affected.
  12. Ah, that's kind of what I was looking for. Maybe I'm being too naive, but its crazy to think that a British citizen would just expect to keep all their European privileges post-Brexit. Like what did they think the point of Brexit was?
  13. Can someone explain the basis for the story? Is it just the case of a UK family that has a home in France they'll no longer be able to use?
  14. That came a few years after I first went. Honestly, I don't remember much of the trip because I would have had to have been in like 3rd or 4th grade (my parents divorced in 5th grade). The only thing I distinctly remember about the trip is playing a very clunky version of Wolfenstein 3D in VR.
  15. My first trip to Vegas was in the mid-to-early 90s when they were really were pushing the family-aspect of it. Excalibur was built, Circus Circus built the Adventuredome, and MGM Grand (where we stayed) had a theme park. So there absolutely was stuff that parents could take their kids to, and some of that still exists, but they definitely have trended away from that in recent years.
  16. I feel if he did something seriously bad it wouldn't just be gaming services like Twitch and Discord that are banning him, he's still up on Twitter. Plus, while I've never watched his content outside of occasional clips, his reaction at the end there felt too in-character.
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