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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Best Buy has an "Add to Cart" on the MSI Ventus 3080, and then when you go to checkout it finally says its out of stock. Sad.
  2. Now we can only hope RDNA2 doesn't suck? Really would have liked something now to reply Alyx, but really want something new before Cyberpunk.
  3. Wonder why QAnon apparently didn't pick up on this, I thought they were all about protecting children?
  4. The jump in performance from a 2080 (or 1080 for a lot of people) to a 3080 is too real for AMD to realistically whisk away buyers. Unless AMD has something better and cheaper I don't think there's anything they can to dissuade 3080 buyers. The 3070 doesn't come out until October so if they were going to target anyone it'll be people eyeing the 3070 or people jilted that 3080s are out of stock.
  5. I was sick as a dog about a week ago. Fever (hit 104 at one point), sweats, chills, muscle aches. Was tested last week and came back negative, doctor has said it was probably just the flu. Definitely felt a lot worse than any time u had the flu in the past.
  6. It seems like it may be tough for AMD to compete with Big Navi. I'd be upgrading from a 1080 and the 3080 at $700 seems like a pretty good deal.
  7. Rittenhouse has a history of "self-defense." https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10221441280719974&id=1188900171
  8. I'm sure there's no doubt this kid is a part of all sorts of awful social media groups and any little off-color joke or mention of shooting a protester will probably be enough to get premeditated.
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/jeanine-pirro-joe-biden-fox-news-2020-8?amp I absolutely hate to give this alcoholic the time of day, but the amount of fuckery that will go down in the next couple of months will be unprecedented. There will be no depth that Trump and Barr won't go. I feel Team Biden needs to absolutely saturate the media to hammer home Barr's corruption.
  10. Wait until someone actually explains to Trump what that says and that college players want to form a union.
  11. Damage is likely done. People made their money when the stock shot up and cashed out already. Now a bunch of rubes who bought in late are stuck holding the bag. Kodak was never going to fulfill whatever drug supply scheme, this was a pump and dump orchestrated by the President of the United States of America.
  12. Probably a good thing that he also swerved it into a thing about electric cars and American manufacturing.
  13. Since he was already an "Acting IG" I assume that means he was a Trump stooge going in. And if even a Trump stooge isn't good enough to protect Trump/Pompeo they must really be doing some illegal shit.
  14. I saw reports of this a couple years ago. Back then I pulled out the big tub that had all my old games/systems and found my PSP with no battery, it was sitting at the bottom of the tub all swelled up like this.
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