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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Has anyone from the Trump campaign given a reason (excuse) as to why they're canceling so many ad buys in battleground states? I mean, the obvious answer is that you don't need to spend money on ads if you plan on stealing the election rather than winning, but I'm curious as to how the Trump campaign is spinning it.
  2. For y'all wondering about a President Pence appointing a new VP you need to know that would require confirmation by both the Senate AND House. Amendment XXV Section 2
  3. This is absolutely magical. Melania Trump is truly America's First Lady.
  4. I would assume its not normal for female soldiers to wear that much makeup.
  5. Maybe this is another one of their "October surprises (in September)?"
  6. Everyone throw your piece of shit, broken-ass 3080s in the goddamn trash its BIG NAVI TIME!
  7. I barely even tried. Not really sure if I want a 3090 but I suppose I'd take one at this point if it was available.
  8. That's been doing that all day for me. Did that with the Gigabyte card sometimes too.
  9. Beggers can't be choosers. I'll buy what's in-stock at a reputable dealer. edit - That PNY listing is down to $3999, he'll figure things out eventually.
  10. It keeps going up under different sellers, its at $4500 right now as if someone will really be duped into it. Similarly there's a Zotac up at $1649 that's obviously not getting any bites either. Honestly, because there's so many different models ranging from $700-900 MSRP, I could certainly be duped into paying $900 on a $700 card just because I might not know what the expected price is.
  11. At this point "enforcing the law" is just another norm that is ignored/broken.
  12. Well, like I said earlier in this thread, win the election, pack the courts. Nothing matters anymore.
  13. I bought a Kishi a month or so ago but haven't used it as much as I'd like. I have a S10+ which only fits if I take the case off, which is a bit of a hassle. But the biggest complaint is that there's no audio passthrough on the USB-c, its only for charging. So you either have to use the phone speakers or Bluetooth (the S10+ has a headphone jack but its inaccessible when in the Kishi.
  14. Not familiar with Zotac's quality, but this link will let you add to your cart and put in an order, not available until the 30th. I put in an order and if I get it, great, otherwise I can cancel if something better comes along. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aws/cart/add.html?ASIN.1=B08HVV2P4Z&Quantity.1=1
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