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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Alright, good luck tonight fam. Gonna go back to sleep another night without this shit being settled. Hope for some good news in the AM.
  2. I have no doubt this sunk Underwood in my IL-14. I got so many racist Blue Lives Matter flyers from Oberweiss.
  3. I think its an ultimately unsolvable problem for Democrats. Republicans can toss out whatever generic whitey that toes the party line but Dems have to carefully tailor their candidate to the district they're running in.
  4. That's making the assumption that such a person exists in those districts. Probably a lot easier to find charismatic, driven young Democrats in the fucking Bronx versus the North Carolina boonies.
  5. I'm sorry, but this is kind of silly. Squad all come from much safer blue districts. I'm in IL-14 and we got one term out of Lauren Underwood before Republicans took it back with racist dumbass Jim Oberweiss.
  6. The only reason these things are close are because the Electoral College puts a thumb in the scale for Republicans. DC statehood plus repealing/replacing the Reapportionment Act and we don't have this problem.
  7. I don't post nearly as much as other people, but I've been around a lot you guys dating back to the IGN and I've always appreciated this place existing.
  8. I gave them a pass in 2016, but after this past four years I say fuck 'em. They think there economic woes are a result of immigrants, minorities, welfare. If you can't see the ever-increasing wealth and income gap is the main cause for economic strife, then you're hopeless. People can be paid a fair, livable wage but the greed at the top is the barrier.
  9. I might have to go this route. I can go months without alcohol but they just opened a Binny's (Chicagoland's most well-known liquor stors) like 2 minutes from my house.
  10. You know what the actual solution to this is? Get rid of or replace the Reapportionment Act. Who will care about gerrymandered districts when blue population centers get a fair level of representation?
  11. Yeah, I've heard the blood thinners thing a lot. Old people being on blood thinners is nothing uncommon, weird that he wouldn't just come out and say it.
  12. What a boondoggle. Though, part of me is interested in the jobs they offer where you do nothing but watch Netflix all day.
  13. So this tweet would imply that Trump doesn't realize that Collins doesn't support Barrett only because McConnell gave her permission not to so she can try and pretend to be somewhat centrist.
  14. I saw that they're doing basically pre-orders for when they get new stock. I was tempted, but with zero indication on what the waiting list was like I decided against that. Plus, they're charging a markup on their stuff. That said, I'm going to be real bummed when I don't get a new card before Cyberpunk. Though, at least I should be fine playing Yakuza 7 on a 1080.
  15. Then just have acting secretaries and if the Senate GOP complain just give them the double middle fingers.
  16. I've actually had a lot of decent pizza when visiting Japan, but then sometimes you're sitting in your hotel room and there's a flyer for Dominos and it has this (Kids' favorite!):
  17. I see these guys outside my local mall all the time. You can buy us all (shitty) steak dinners. Mobile meat market operating in West Michigan rated 'F' by the BBB WWW.GOOGLE.COM Twenty steaks for $30 may sound like a great deal, but some customers said the sale, at least through one business, is too good to be true. Homestead Steaks LLC, a company based out of Webb...
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