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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. The error is a "403 Forbidden" from CloudFront (Amazon) not Cloudflare. I didn't think about it but I can definitely look into seeing how to refresh my IP.
  2. Posting this from my phone on mobile, but I was running streetmerchant(stock checker) on my PC. At some point Newegg temp banned my IP and I assume somehow that got shared across Cloudfront and now can't get to D1P from my home network. I have since learned the error of my ways (and was annoyed by a lot of false alerts from streetmerchant). Please let me know what I need to provide to get unblocked.
  3. If I'm heating up something in a microwave bowl its probably got its only lid that comes with it that I just rest on top (don't snap it down). If not, I'll use a paper plate instead.
  4. Not that I'd buy an Apple product anyhow, but I have the Sony XM4s and they're just lovely. They look nicer than this, fold up neatly, about half the price. The case bra is not just ugly when compared to other Apple products, its completely ugly compared to just about any other consumer electronic device. The crown seems like a silly non-Apple solution as well. Seems like its there more for branding purposes ala the Apple Watch and not because its the best design for the function.
  5. VRV made a big splash because Crunchy and Funi were both on it. I held on even after Funi left because when HIDIVE replaced it, they still had some exclusives worth holding on to. VRV will undoubtedly shut down when Crunchy leaves.
  6. I think a lot of restaurants use these services on the back end even when you order delivery through their own app. Pretty sure Chipotle (at least in my area) find's drivers through DoorDash. I like to avoid it if I can just because a lot of places markup their prices on these services, so even if I get DashPass free through my credit card I'm often not saving much compared to ordering directly through the restaurant's app instead.
  7. I'm around 269 million. But honestly, that's based on how it *should*. When in reality I'm an educated white male who is gainfully employed, so I'd probably end up vaccinated a lot higher.
  8. Is Rudy next? Presidential Transition Live Updates: Giuliani Said to Have Discussed Pre-Emptive Pardon Before Trump Leaves Office - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM
  9. I had the McRib once when they brought it back a few years ago.... didn't care for it.
  10. Little off-topic related gripe, but putting serious stories like this behind a paywall seems irresponsible. This has been more of an issue as of late, specifically for me with the Chicago Tribune putting important COVID public health updates behind a paywall.
  11. Hopefully forcibly vaccinate the Trump family and his circle of bootlickers then let Mark Meadows or whoever else is currently infected go around and start coughing on all of them for a live test.
  12. Illinois is likely trending the same way. Restaurants already closed to indoor eating, though some have defied the governor's orders. Wonder what happened between the start of November and now. Seems like things had at least held somewhat steady from August-October with limited indoor eating and gyms and such. Shit spiked hard and fast. Wonder if in-person voting was a trigger.
  13. Just be clear, the lawsuit is not being withdrawn, but the law firm is withdrawing themselves from the lawsuit?
  14. Pfizer put out a diagram, basically a box with styrfoam insulation and dry ice. They said it'll keep it cold enough for 10 days, then they can be moved to a regular freezer for up to a day or two. I've had steaks delivered the same way.
  15. What if the US needs to seize Trump's assets for any reason? Back taxes, tax fraud, etc. Never understood how that stuff worked with regards to divorce settlements or passing wealth to his kids.
  16. It should be pointed out the Recount Donation page stated in the fine print that half of contributions would go to paying down outstanding campaign debt, now we know where the other half is going.
  17. There shouldn't be an inauguration, at least, not in the traditional sense. One, there's still a pandemic going on, two, I think it would serve Biden well to just be a "get down to business" president and avoid all the pomp and circumstance, and three, inauguration ceremonies are a dumb waste of money.
  18. Well, to be fair if he doesn't spend that money to try and fight the results it'll all end up being gobbled up by his creditors anyway.
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