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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I had seriously entertained the idea of this being the first game I buy on EGS since 1 and 2 are among my favorite games of the past few years. This recent news certainly puts the kaibosh on that.
  2. So does this mean we have to investigate financial ties between Cuba and the Republican Party?
  3. Big Tech, Big Finance, Big Radio, Big Law, Big Golf, they're all out to get and censor conservatives.
  4. Now, I'm no Constitutional scholar, but I read it as anyone who is convicted of sedition is out, straight up. And the 2/3rds vote is to allow them back in. From what I understand, a Congressperson who is jailed still technically gets to serve in Congress, insofar as their ability to vote is concerned. This was a protection against just jailing political opponents. But if they're part of an insurrection, they're removed from office. Being banned from holding office is the "disability" laid out in Section 3 that can be overruled by the 2/3rds vote.
  5. Tech moves too fast. There will be a replacement service is months, likely not even domiciled within the US.
  6. What happened to those gallows they put up? Nancy should have them moved into the House chambers as a reminder until Trump is held accountable.
  7. Like all things, it doesn't help right now and will assuredly be abused by the GOP in the future.
  8. Charlie Kirk Deletes Tweet Saying He Sent '80+ Buses' Of Trump Supporters To D.C. (dailydot.com) Did the Tiny Faced One give financial support to the insurrection? Curious.
  9. Isn't the NRA already hanging by a thread what with all the in-fighting and lawsuits about embezzling money?
  10. I'm sure the 24 hour thing from Apple is just some legal nonsense in some app developer agreement contract somewhere. I doubt they have any intention of accepting whatever moderation policy Parler might try to cook up.
  11. Guys, don't you get it? What he's saying is that he's not going to the Inauguration because there won't be an Inauguration! He's going to still President! Its not going to be an Inauguration, its going to be the public arrest and execution of the liberal traitor vote stealers Biden and Harris!
  12. Apparently Chuck will replace the Seargent at Arms for his failure to prepare appropriately for yesterday.
  13. We'll brush this off as Tree of Liberty, blood of patriots and tyrants, yadda yadda yadda.
  14. Its been a while since I messed with a Retro Pie setup, but having a weak power supply will absolutely cause the performance issues you're describing.
  15. Wouldn't getting rid of 230 just mean that social media websites would just move out of the US?
  16. I though you worked for a mortgage company? At the very least, the process seemed easy and the price was a little cheaper than the Amazon/Ebayer reseller rate.
  17. I paid the dark price and bought a 3080 off of Stockx.... and it doesn't fit in my case. To be clear, my case is plenty big and has more than enough room for it, but instead of just screwing the mounting plate to the case it uses a tool-less ratcheting locking mechanism that is blocking the card from going in all the way. Fortunately the locking mechanism can be removed and I can take a Dremmel to it to get the card to slip in.
  18. Its kind of funny when you consider the number of MAGAts who were using this quote in reference to Biden winning by rigging the vote.
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