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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I had beaten the game a few days before 1.2, but having been popping back in to mess around. I feel like I'm getting a lot of texture pop-in or sometimes no textures at all with this patch. Regardless, I still actually really liked the game and have been debating whether doing another playthrough or waiting until some DLC drops.
  2. This is what I'm thinking. Gives him a good cover that he isn't the one in a relationship with these girls.
  3. There was this paragraph, but it does nothing to explain how that is allegedly a conservative viewpoint and not liberal one as well. Not to mention the GOP's voter suppression drive is absolutely at odds with his statement. "Authentic Americans still want to have decent lives. They want to work, worship, raise a family, and participate in public affairs without being treated as insolent upstarts in their own country. Therefore, we need a conception of a stable political regime that allows for the good life."
  4. Nestor's daddy and all-around-douchebag Matt Gaetz might not run for reelection and may bounce out early to take a job at Newsmax. Rep. Matt Gaetz eyes early retirement from Congress to take job at Newsmax WWW.AXIOS.COM The Florida congressman has privately told confidants he's interested in a role at Newsmax.
  5. It would be interesting if she doesn't get confirmed. I assume Joe will abstain (I'm pretty sure Mitch did for his wife) so the Republicans could easily use their 50 votes squash this if they want to. Doubt they'd do it, not really worth pissing Manchin off over a relatively small position.
  6. Got a package you didn't order? It could be a scam WWW.CNN.COM Pooper scoopers, power cords and fake fish: People are receiving bizarre packages they didn't order. It's part of what's known as a "brushing scam" — a scheme that helps boost a vendors' ratings online. Here's how it works.
  7. Not saying the woman isn't in pain, but looks like white boy got fucked up good. I don't think you hold up your arm that way if it isn't seriously broken.
  8. Only ended up playing the other Necromunda game for about 30 minutes last year. Just fired it up and played the tutorial and then shelved it while I was finishing up on other games. Then the middling impressions just kind of kept it on the shelf. I still love the setting and hope this is a more exciting. Being from the EYE Divine Cybermancy team at least means there will be some interesting jank.
  9. Very religious? Yes, him and that dead rat hanging from his chin look like devout children of God.
  10. The "www.bandicam.com" watermark on the video is a nice touch. There's like a billion game capturing software out there for free and they chose to use an unlicensed version of fucking Bandicam.
  11. Considering most instances of voter fraud are committed by Republicans I'd say there are passive Republican votes.
  12. The NBA players catching Covid and subsequent canceling of games was like the first indication that something was up, but I think it was sealed when Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson caught it and had to quarantine in Australia.
  13. The point is to look at the design of a standard UPS or FedEx truck and that of the USPS truck. Wide open cab, big sliding door for access in the front. These design choices didn't get conjured out of thin air. Your argument in favor of USPS going with the Ford Transit is that its a standard design that would be cheaper to purchase and maintain, but you haven't made any argument that it can handle the workload that the USPS requires. I'm not saying the Oshkosh deal is good, but more goes into this than just what is cheap and available.
  14. Look at Fedex trucks, look at UPS trucks. Why do you think they're designed the way they are? All you're doing is looking at the Ford option and saying its cheaper and you have no real explanation on why it fits the very specific needs of the USPS.
  15. Lets say you're a USPS driver. You are in your brand new electric Ford Transit. You pull up to a mailbox. In your Ford Transit van you are sitting on the left, because its a standard left-hand drive vehicle. What do you do? Get out on the traffic side and walk around the vehicle to the mailbox? Try to slide over to the passenger side and roll down the window? What if the mailbox is too high? Too low? Do you open the door? What if you've parked too close and can't get the door open? Mail trucks are right-hand drive and have a sliding door for a reason. Just to throw out some completely random numbers, a mail truck that has 300 stops and you had to add just 30 seconds to each stop because of the extra time it takes because of the Ford van, you've now made that route 2.5 hours longer. Add in the fact that USPS trucks operate extensively in residential areas making visibility incredibly important, hence the large open windshield. Suggesting to just replace the fleet with standard commercial vans just shows an incredible lack of understanding of how the mail is delivered.
  16. I will be starting a new Potato Head subscription service. Every month you will receive one facial feature in the mail.
  17. Is it me, or is that dude trying to emulate some of Trump's speech patterns?
  18. I bought a 3080 off of a reseller site in early January for about $1050. Same card, same website now is going for about $1800. At the time I wasn't even going to bother selling my old 1080 because I wasn't sure it'd be worth the effort.
  19. This is why we need a left-wing QAnon, so we can all just blissfully assume these unforced blunders are actually just part of "the plan."
  20. I don't even know if that's true anymore: https://www.altpress.com/news/dead-kennedy-mitt-romney-twitter-responses/
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