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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I wonder if this is more about nude mods and weird things people would do with the models if they were stripped out of the PC version. I would be incredibly bummed if this were the case. I own the original Judgement on PS4 but didn't get very far before the performance started bothering me too much. Really would like these on PC.
  2. This is almost exactly what my second shot was like. Got the shot in the morning, was fine all day, then I wake up like 3am with bad chills and a headache/fever. Fell back to sleep after about an hour and was fine the rest of the day.
  3. I don't mean "not feasible" from a technical sense, but more of a business-sense. I don't think Twitter would actually want to be on the hook for shutting down local business Twitter accounts, or for local emergency services, etc.
  4. Though actually blocking an entire state from Twitter/Facebook/whatever isn't really feasible, they should still call their bluff. I assume this law wouldn't take effect immediately after it is signed. So the social media companies should make posts/tweets to all Texas users stating "Due to law XXXXX, Twitter will cease to function in the State of Texas as of *date*" the law will almost assuredly be struck down as unconstitutional before then, but they should absolutely play chicken with them.
  5. Weird that they're doing no spectators at all. Baseball in Japan I believe is still doing spectators, limited capacity, however.
  6. You're just upset they don't serve boiled chicken at brunch.
  7. Not really boiling. But cooking in water heated to a very specific temperature over a long period of time. The water gets to food up to the exact temperature and can't overcook.
  8. Though I have a gas grill now for convenience, food cooked on a charcoal grill tastes so monumentally better than other methods. Like, take a chicken breast and cook it on a grill pan over a stove, on a gas grill, or on a charcoal grill and it will 1000% be better on charcoal.
  9. The PSX Final Fantasy games would have some cool places. Golden Saucere, Balamb Garden, Lindblum, etc.
  10. I'm kind of the same way. I have tons of games I'd like to play, but I'm afraid of picking one because I like I would have wasted my time if it ends up being something I don't care for. So, similarly, I instead just retreat to the "known quantity" which is Apex at this point.
  11. Turn off your AC, but turn on your crypto mining! I live north of Chicago and I probably underused my AC. I try to never go below 75f.
  12. God, that reminds me of when the Beastcast had Mike Mahardy on to talk about RDR2. It was just 20 minutes of "then this happened, and then this happened, and you could do this, and this this happened." The absolute worst thing a games podcaster can do is talk about a game in the same way some dude giving an E3 demo would.
  13. I think Bakalar and Danny (for as long as he sticks around) are good foils to Jeff. Not in an antagonistic way like Ryan, but they're good at speaking their mind.
  14. Yeah, I haven't listened to the first one yet, I'll probably wait until Wednesday when I'm in the office. But from what others have said they talked about some frustration with corporate oversight and demands for growth and the like. I know on one stream way back Vinny somewhat drunkenly referred to the way CBSi treated Giant Bomb as like an "unflushed turd". That, combined with the pandemic kind of proving they have all the tools and ability to do everything themselves without company money or space. That said, while I'm sure there is a desire for all sides to succeed, there will be instances with things like talk-over streams (say, this E3 for instance) where they'll basically have to split the viewership.
  15. Woof. While I'll definitely subscribe, it's definitely kind of paints a rough picture on what could be happening at Giant Bomb.
  16. I want to see a photo of a bunch of cops standing around with their guns and a table full of 3080s and 3090s they seized from a bust.
  17. I don't think we've figured out how to move people through pipes yet.
  18. Water pipelines will run east to west from the Great Lakes like oil pipelines run north to south.
  19. I've been to a few White Sox games (including the game today) and the requirements are masks indoors at all times and not required outdoors if you're fully vaxed. It seems like just about everyone is wearing a mask when they come into the stadium, taking them off when seated, and then never putting them back on. I don't know if the concourse area qualifies as indoors or outdoors or not.
  20. A bit over 12 hours after the second dose and I feel like I'm getting a wee bit feverish. Took some Tylenol and will hopefully sleep through any bad stuff and wake up right as rain.
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