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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Is there a breakdown of private/public universities in terms of athletic (chiefly football/basketball) rankings? I can only imagine the impact on recruiting this would have.
  2. AZ Repubs: "The results of the Arizona election fraud audit will take weeks to truly comprehen... OH GOD LOOK OVER THERE ITS A GIANT CARAVAN OF IMMIGRANTS ASSAULTING THE BORDER!"
  3. They should do these graphs like PC hardware benchmarks where there's a little note to help people understand the results. Like in this case you put a "(lower number is better)" note so the rubes can figure it out.
  4. I bought it when it came out on Steam and enjoyed the time I put into it even though I didn't finish it. I also had played a fair amount of MechWarrior: Online, so I was pretty familiar with current control scheme/gameplay loop. But ultimately the campaign stuff does get a little repetitive after a while. That said, coming to PlayStation is kind of a weird thing because my understanding is that Microsoft still has some control over IP in regards to video games.
  5. Not quite sure I understand the backlash to @SaysWho? statement, although perhaps a bit blunt. As long as he's being sincere, criticizing Biden because he didn't empathize the "right way" seems pretty low.
  6. I never knew there were other themes. But checking out the light theme, all you people who voted for it are monsters.
  7. I'm subscribed to both Giant Bomb and Nextlander. I have this weird thing where I don't like listening to audio-only podcasts at home so I only catch up on Nextlander's podcasts when I'm occasionally at the office, so I'm way behind on that at the moment but try to watch a lot of their video. As for Nu Giant Bomb, I still like the Bombcast a lot, Bakalar and Danny have always been fantastic and they mesh real well with everyone. Like Danny's other videos (for some reason this is the first time I ever watched anything Souls-related on Giant Bomb or anywhere). Grubsnax and Bak 2 Skool are both enjoyable as well. But I don't really see myself partaking in any of the music/pop-culture/meme videos that is led by some of the outsiders. The first non-gaming thing I'd be in for is some wrestling content which might be weird because two of Giant Bomb's biggest wrestling guys couldn't partake (Alex obviously being gone, and Dan probably wouldn't be allowed to talk on a non-WWE podcast).
  8. To be fair, this building looked abandoned/hollowed out before hand. Doesn't even seem like it had a roof.
  9. Largely unrelated, but looking at these pics makes me cringe in pain. I am incredibly bothered by getting any water in my eyes much less chlorinated pool water. I'm generally really careful to avoid any water streaming into my eyes while showering.
  10. What is with Trump's limp dick vaccination recommendation? If he really meant it he'd be calling unvaccinated people losers and idiots.
  11. Posted without comment. 3TBMZUFGQxoTBGOC Trim GIF | Gfycat GFYCAT.COM Watch and share 3TBMZUFGQxoTBGOC Trim GIFs on Gfycat
  12. An armed society is a polite society. And nothing is more polite than shooting the people trying to help you after an accident.
  13. Walgreens just announced all their US support office (ie, non-store) employees will need to be vaccinated by Sept 30th or have some sort of medical waiver.
  14. Lets not pretend that if Simone Biles was from California or New York or somewhere other than Texas that Crenshaw would not be like every one of those other conservative mouth-breathers on this.
  15. That's the thing, he doesn't have to deny it, he can just ignore it because it's not really relevant.
  16. While I enjoy seeing people dunk on Matt Gaetz, following after him just asking "Are you a pedophile?" over and over again is kind of lazy and unproductive. It's like when people call for 1st degree murder chargers because they're especially angry about something that is definitely not 1st degree murder. Statutory rape is a thing. Elevating something to pedophilia because you think it makes it sound worse doesn't help.
  17. Kinda looks like a young Vince Offer and people bought all sorts of shit from that guy.
  18. Kinda in the same boat. The $399 version seems like a trap though. Would probably go for the middle-tier.
  19. That won't be necessary. Appreciated, but I'm more than happy buying it myself.
  20. I might be interested in this. Always looking for a good Japanese-style tactics game.
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