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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. It was a gas station that he was "protecting," right? How far away was he from there when the shooting happened?
  2. It does seem like the letter of the law would indicate self-defense, but the implications of him being innocent are frightening. I think people will absolutely show up to future protests armed with an intent to provoke an attack to justify self defense.
  3. Apparently he had just finalized a pretty contentious divorce settlement with his ex-wife then shot himself.
  4. I got an Asus TUF 3080 and I paid the dark (StockX) price. But I managed to get in before prices really exploded so I probably paid maybe a 30% premium over MSRP. On the plus side, GPU prices did explode, I sold my 1080 for way more than it would normally have been worth.
  5. I fully expect multiple GOP members of congress to call the CBO biased on the heels of this.
  6. Last time I got a covid test was probably back in January and I was vaccinated in late April. With the exception of still full-time WFH I've largely just lived a normal life. Masking is good in my area, but I'll eat in fast food restaurants and I've been to a lot of baseball games this year. If anything I've probably been more exposed this year than non-covid years. I very easily could have caught it at some point and been completely asymptomatic because I've just never gotten tested.
  7. Can't you just... you know... raise the cap? Don't completely repeal it, just raise it to like $20000 or something? The SALT cap actually kind of fucked me over the past year. I started doing my taxes by hand because I was tired of giving Turbo Tax money when I'm no longer getting a refund. But I screwed up and deducted all my local taxes (the part of the form says "Enter smaller of line 5d or $10000) and I entered the higher number. Ended up getting a letter from the IRS that caught that and I had to send more money. Raising the SALT cap by $5000-10000 would capture a decent chunk of the middle class.
  8. A quick Goolge search says NC Governor fills a Senate vacancy by picking from three candidates proposed by the former senator's party.
  9. She was defending her home so she won't face any charges... Woman was blindly spraying a gun into the neighborhood. And "breeding exotic dogs?" Probably running a puppy mill
  10. You mean 30 days to open source the site or be CANCELED by the liberal Marxist open source community.
  11. I imagine the gamble is that if they end up being popular and set to sunset while Republicans hold power it would be politically damaging to let them expire. Which is a shitty way to run a government, but that's just how things go these days.
  12. Yeah, there's almost nothing "shocking" about the abuse unless the abuse actually involves electric shocks.
  13. Fly out to Russia and get Sputnik and then China for whatever their unreliable vaccine is called.
  14. The CEO at the time the 737 MAX project began was a business guy, but his successor (and I think the one that took most of the blame) was an engineer.
  15. Man, if a hard-right chud is going straight to resigning and skipping the whole "fake news, leftist plot, blah blah blah" routine you know it has to be bad.
  16. I feel like that's handing a lot of authority to the party power brokers. You'd essentially be voting for a party and then the party is picking the actual reps. On the R side they would all pick cronies and loyalists, on the D side you would just get milquetoast centrists.
  17. In a firing squad one gun is always loaded with a blank so that the killing shot can't be related to a specific shooter. If they do a private ballot they just need one GOP senator to vote against so they can all claim they were the no vote.
  18. Went out for lunch today and my pokey little town had a anti-mask/anti-vax protest at the main intersection. Probably about 15 or so people and twice as many signs with hard hitting messages like "DO MORE RESEARCH" and "STOP THE CHILD ABUSE."
  19. Is there a breakdown of private/public universities in terms of athletic (chiefly football/basketball) rankings? I can only imagine the impact on recruiting this would have.
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