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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Certainly not to defend war criminals, but has there ever been a nation or armed force involved in military conflict that actually acted honorably with regards to the rules of war? Has there ever been a war in modern history that didn't have some number of atrocities committed by both sides?
  2. Huh, I didn't know Nothing Bundt Cakes was a franchise chain. There's one like 2 minutes from my house.
  3. Dropping the gas tax is such a stupid idea. It'll be great when oil companies raise their prices to compensate knowing what the market can bear.
  4. Plastic is strong and durable and lasts a long time. Why wouldn't I want to be partially made up of something as strong and durable as plastic?
  5. If we're going to post songs celebrating stomping out traitors and secessionists then we must have a listen to the Union's version of "Dixie."
  6. I would imagine fingerprinting would still be useful in eliminating suspects as opposed to identifying suspects. None of these will be a silver bullet, but meant to provide plausibility. Like, a shoe print is going to be even less unique than a fingerprint, but if a criminal happens to own a pair of shoes that match a print at a scene of a crime its potentially sognificant. Edit - I know there is a typo there, but "sognificant" seems like a funny word so I'm going to leave it.
  7. Hadn't posted at all in this thread previously, but Elden Ring was my first From game and played it with pretty much all my free time over the past month. Finally beat it last night. Ended up around level 185 with 170 hours played.
  8. Governor/VP candidate to House of Reps seems like a career downgrade, but then again Palin is such a blockhead it probably should have been her ceiling in politics in the first place.
  9. The upper part doesn't lock/connect to the bottom. Its more like a rachet system where the locking mechanism is in the hinge.
  10. If you see pictures of him in the seat before the ride went up you can clearly see that the shoulder restraint is at like a 30-45 degree angle over his body as opposed to vertical like the other riders. On the other riders, the over-the-shoulder restraint basically covers their whole torso and all the way down to their thighs. On this boy, the restrain basically stopped at his stomach. The system should not have registered that as in a "locked" position.
  11. I believe in this case internal spalling would be a serious threat to the crew. It looks like it hit right around the mounted MG on the top of the turret so presumably there is tank crew right on the other side that could have gotten shredded by metal fragments.
  12. I just started to notice this myself. I imagine the cutover happened a couple weeks ago, but was at the grocery store today and realized that masking was in the minority.
  13. It's not about being endangered it's about be an uncorruptible symbol of freedom and patriotism for your country.
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