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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Goodranchers.com is the company that sets up pop-up tent stores in mall parking lots and have a big sign that advertises $2 ribeye steaks. Exactly the kind of company someone in Trump's orbit might hawk.
  2. Chase did not ask anything like that on the application. Just some sort of ID that you could put your SSN in for a sole proprietorship.
  3. Basically when I was talking to people about credit card options they were using the excuse of selling anything on eBay in the past year and saying you run a sole proprietorship. I've had the card for a few years at this point.
  4. I have a Chase small business card and don't have anything close to a small business. I got it because I wanted to replace my furnace and wanted a nice points bonus from the initial spending and I already have Sapphire Reserve.
  5. This was something that came out around the beginning of the war. A photo of a cockpit of a Russian plane just had a straight-up Garmin unit sitting there.
  6. I puked once when I with covid, but I think it was more because I had such a bad coughing fit that I triggered a gag reflex.
  7. Its where I bought my 3080 a few months after launch when prices were like 50% over MSRP instead of 500%. But prices are finally starting to come down and may hit MSRP relatively soon.
  8. Just getting over my first infection. Presumably got it from the trainer at my gym since the gym owner told me he had to cancel my appointment because the trainer got sick. Started feeling a little off last Sunday, took two tests on Monday that both came back positive. Had one day with a rough fever that kept me in bed all day, then the next day had terrible congestion/runny-nose. Then slowly started to get better. Still have a mild cough today and my most recent at-home test still says positive, but feel around 90%.
  9. I don't have anything intelligent to add to this conversation, but I do see an opportunity to post one of my favorite Monty Python bits.
  10. Felt a little congested with a slight headache this morning so I took an at-home test. They finally got me. I don't feel too bad physically, but I shared a car with my brother on Friday and feel like shit if I exposed him since he's got a newborn. I was also at my mom's house yesterday. They're all vaxxed and boosted and my mom previously had covid and her booster was more recent so I hope she's well protected.
  11. I'm just going to post Reddit links to Twitter links that have screenshots of Facebook posts.
  12. I know he's making a mouth breather joke, but those nostrils don't look like an efficient air intake system.
  13. It'll be real interesting to find out why its Dems fault that Cawthorn likes dress up in women's underwear.
  14. Clearly it's all those solar panels on the roof. I bet there's some cancer-causing wind turbines nearby.
  15. I feel like there's an attack/troll vector here. "Disney censors LGBT content from their movies in the Arab and Chinese markets. Since Conservatives share so many values with China and Islamists, should Disney offer them a censored version as well?"
  16. A friend of mine who I was with at a baseball game last Friday tested positive early this week. We were in a car together for probably an hour and a half driving to and from the game. Fortunately I, as well as the other two guys in the car all tested negative. So far I guess I have also avoided infection this whole time.
  17. But there were plenty of people that looked like what Ben Garrison thinks Trump looks like.
  18. The other suggestion I saw was that the government was forcing the factory owners/operators to not lay anyone off. But they have no work to do because they can't get foreign materials. So burn the place down, collect on some insurance, and not have to worry about paying any employees.
  19. Infinite growth is impossible. There was always going to be a peak and Netflix has like a half dozen major competitors that didn't exist 5-10 years.
  20. Putin has lied to the people of Moscow every single step of the way, why not just pull out and say you accomplished your goals and achieved great victory?
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