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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I already posted this in the Canadian politics thread! Stop stealing my internet points!
  2. I'm posting Canadian political news! https://twitter.com/CBCToronto/status/1558130867113021440?s=20
  3. Man, MAGAts are really going to have a breakdown knowing that the Trump and Rosenberg's name may forever be linked in nuclear espionage.
  4. DOJ: Trump was afforded special treatment. MAGAts: Trump was unfairly targeted and harassed by the woke DOJ!
  5. This civil case is still related to his taxes and property valuation, right? So it's not like some dude suing him over not getting paid for work, but it's banks and other financial institutions with their own high-paid lawyers who where nice suits?
  6. I still think the lack of some sort of press conference from Garland is pretty odd.
  7. Ken and Renato are like the two level-headed Twitter law dudes who always throw cold water on exciting news. So seeing them both kind of throw their hands up in confusion makes this feel extra-spicy.
  8. Also, given the gravity of such a thing, wouldn't you expect Garland to give a press conference or something?
  9. Hmm, wasn't planning on replacing my oven/stove, but it is pretty old and a rebate on an electric would be cool. But I assume it would need a 240 outlet which would probably kill that plan.
  10. Maybe the insulin cap thing won't be a big deal if everyone starts buying cheap Californy insulin.
  11. Not directly related to SUV visibility, but fines/fees/tolls should be graduated based on a vehicles curb weight. A hatchback and large SUV getting in a crash will do vastly different levels of damage so penalties for accidents, fines for speeding or moving violations should go up based on the weight of the vehicle. Curb weight is easy data to obtain since make and model are already tracked with registration and whatnot. Since heavy cars also cause more wear and tear on the roads, it makes sense to base tolls on vehicle weight as well.
  12. Apparently the official report has been corrected based on witness account that it was the Rep's vehicle that veered into the opposing lane not the other way around. I don't know if they said who was driving though.
  13. There should be another panel at the start where the red side says something horrible and racist while the blue side says something level-headed and reasonable.
  14. Trump being JFK Jr. in disguise is plausible on the basis that he's fat enough that there might be a smaller person that fits inside.
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