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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. Cool. It took me like three tries to get into the first Witcher game because of how janky it was. I eventually got through and enjoyed it tremendously, but the jank has certainly kept me from playing it again.
  2. I last flew back in January of 2021. I went to Hawaii even though I didn't really want to, but my mom was too stubborn to cancel a planned family trip and didn't feel comfortable letting her go alone (she was dealing with hip problems that she had surgery for a few months later). The one nice thing was that our outbound flights got upgraded to first class. And since its a long haul flight to Hawaii on a 777, it was the full-on pod with seats that lay completely flat. For someone who is 6'4" that was really nice. I do plan on going back to Japan in March, so that'll be something to look forward to. And while actually sitting on a plane isn't exactly comfortable for me, I'm one of the few that actually enjoys going to the airport. Mostly because I'm the kind of person who arrives well ahead of time and just like to chill out. I always chuckle when I see people stressed out and rushing around. I'm sure some of it is people in a tight layover, but for most people having to go to an airport is not some last-minute decision. Be prepared, have all your stuff ready, leave as early as you can.
  3. When I worked at a private golf course we'd get a guy who would come by in the afternoon to practice and he'd always go out with a Styrofoam cup filled with ice and a couple Miller Lites that he poured into it.
  4. Pizza is healthy because it has pizza sauce, which is made of tomatoes. So kids are getting a serving of tomatoes with pizza. That means its healthy.
  5. As a white kid from the suburbs who grew up on skate punk and transitioned to dad rock in his college days, I could not name a single Kanye song.
  6. It'd be funny if this prompted an investigation by whatever alphabet agencies whether Musk buying Twitter poses a national security risk.
  7. Yeah, they've absolutely fired test missiles over Sapporo in the past.
  8. Obviously Brad/Vinny/Alex and later Jeff didn't leave Red Ventures because everything was peachy keen and I saw some other tweets from random people suggesting RV kind of sucked. It definitely did seem like Red Ventures was more driven by affiliate-link content farming, which makes a little more sense that they kept CNet and the gaming sites weren't a great fit. Giant Bomb does have a pretty extensive games wiki, but that is kind of secondary to the personality-driven content that doesn't seem to fit with Fandom all that much.
  9. Don't really think this falls under consolidation, these sites have just been passed around from CBSi to Red Ventures and now to Fandom. It's weird to read that Fandom is kind of just the for-profit arm of Wikipedia and that Jimmy Wales co-founded and is still involved with. Who knows if this is a positive or negative, I though Giant Bomb was in it's death throes when Jeff left (granted also thought that when Brad/Vinny/Alex left) but Grubb and Dan Ryckert have done a good job hoisting the flag.
  10. Pretty sure the money for speech thing was the first allegation that came out.
  11. "Someone who will hit me, but say that it hurts them as much as it hurts me."
  12. If that dude actually did something of note in Afghanistan he'd probably be something like this:
  13. They border West Virginia, so that's a lot like bordering a developing nation.
  14. I know a lot of Asian countries hate other Asians buti wonder if China is going to raise an eyebrow in suspicion with Russia sending their more ethnically Asian people to die.
  15. Ginni Thomas traded one cult for another, more publicly accepted cult. Some people just have that personality where they're easily manipulated and controlled.
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