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Everything posted by ThreePi

  1. I think my time of playing Switch games on real Switch hardware has come to an end. I bought the game and played up through the first shrine on the Switch right after it unlocked. Then ripped the game and my save file to move it over to my PC. Took a little bit of work to get it to launch, but I've got like a dozen hours into the game on Yuzu and it's been fantastic. I haven't messed with any mods, just running the game at a higher resolution.
  2. Its a bad habit, but I spit. I spit in the toilet/urinal, and I also spit almost every time I get out of the car in a parking lot. Not sure why. I'm not a particularly phlegmy person. Just need to spit.
  3. What's wrong with radium? They used that to illuminate clock faces and the women who painted them on turned out just fine.
  4. I assume by "Gov built" you mean "Built by a politically connected firm with a no-bid contract".
  5. I got a code for this for free with my 4080. Played about 30 minutes of it, then uninstalled. Just painfully generic and uninspired. One of those games where you gotta wonder why no one stood up during development and said "is this thing we're making even any fun?"
  6. I don't know about y'all, but I'd like to personally thank Tim Epic for this Steam client update. Without the fierce competition from the Epic Games Store, Valve would have let their client stagnate and just ride on their first-mover marketshare.
  7. How much of the deposits for regional banks like this split between personal and business? Are individuals pulling their savings to move to a "safer" national bank, or maybe to online high yield savings accounts? I, myself, have been wanting to make the move, just got to stop being lazy.
  8. The one near me closed some months ago and I found out when I decided I needed some sort of small kitchen appliance or apparatus that I didn't want to wait 2 days for shipping on. It's weird, on one hand I live in suburbia do most of my non-food shopping online, but on the other hand I wish I could have a regular retail experience like in Japan. Right now I need to buy a decent wireless keyboard and I could get whatever I want on Amazon, but no guarantees when I actually get hands on with it, that its actually what I want. I could go to Best Buy, but there's maybe a dozen keyboard options in total and only like one or two that might fit my criteria. But if I was in Japan I could go to a Sofmap or Yodobashi Camera and there will be like 40-50 keyboards I could get my hands on. The death of retail is a bummer, but I'd be lying if I wasn't a contributor to it.
  9. Hope this turns out well. The Pathfinder games are the best of the CRPG revival of the past 10 years or so and the 40K franchise could use a good "win" as a lot of stuff has fallen flat.
  10. For now they do. But I'm sure the legislature will happily vote to get rid of them when Ron flames out nationally.
  11. I just finished Like a Dragon: Ishin a few weeks ago and Sakamoto Ryoma definitely was not assassinated and lived happily ever after.
  12. This happened Saturday at a campaign event PM Kishida was attending. A man threw a pipe bomb during the event and was subdued by the crowd immediately. Unlike with Abe, this was unsuccessful and only a police officer suffered minor injuries. Here's a link to the NHK-World video that won't embed. Report: Prime Minister Kishida evacuated after blast at speech siteーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS - YouTube And here's a shorter video from The Guardian.
  13. It is running on the Deck, Yuzu is available in the Discovery store. I actually haven't even tried running it on my desktop PC. I more just want to compare Deck performance with a Switch. Out-of-the-box I know Metroid Dread ran better on a Deck than on a Switch. With Engage it's locked to 30fps in light areas with occasional stutters in battles and transitions. Just want to see if some of that occurs on the Switch as well.
  14. Bought Fire Emblem Engage and ripped it from my Switch to put on my Deck. Seems to run farily well on Yuzu, but I'll have to fire it up on Switch just for comparison.
  15. Or she could just step down? Feinstein asks for Judiciary replacement after calls for resignation THEHILL.COM Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) announced on Wednesday that her return to work in Washington has been delayed due to ongoing health complications and called on the Senate to appoint a temporary re…
  16. Kentucky GOP are probably thinking of which Dem reps they can expell over protesting guns because of this.
  17. Not that I give two shots about KH, it is weird they haven't made the move after Epic's deal ended. I don't think any Epic exclusive has moved the needle all that much.
  18. All photos of the company are entirely composed of Indian people. Looks like they wanted a whitey for the front-facin sales role or something. There's a weird trend of small tech consulting firms that are just "Dude's Name + Technology/Consulting/etc". Arthur Grand Technology will probably disappear and a few weeks like Justin Morgan Consulting is going to pop up with all the same people behind it.
  19. I find it hard to believe that the DA would just completely overlook statute of limitation stuff.
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