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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Latest polling on Beta v Cruz is more competitive than I thought it would be. I think Cruz will still win, but it's going to be closer than I thought. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2018-midterm-election-forecast/senate/texas/
  2. I think they’re trying to keep the original style to an extent, but it could certainly have looked better. I’ll still take it happily. I’m excited for the streamlined matchmaking, better support for modern PCs, etc. WC3 is really rough right now.
  3. Exercise meditation If all else fails, look into an antidepressant called mirtazapine. It has helped me a lot with my insomnia related to anxiety.
  4. What the fuck is he thinking? I remember reading years ago that he was going to bring Brave New World and Forever War to the big screen. What happened to that? This is crap.
  5. On a side note, I also really enjoyed the female cast kicking ass. I doubt feminist scholars will be too hard on this one.
  6. I've never heard of her, but I haven't been diving too deep into the different governor races.
  7. I think out of all the slasher films in the 70s and 80s, Halloween (the original) is the best. And I oddly like terrible movies such as the old Friday the 13th series. The best overall series out of those is probably Nightmare on Elm Street, since there are a few sequels that are a bit creepy. I give this sequel high marks. I had a lot of fun. They kept the feel of the original while making effective use of the higher budget. I enjoyed the little twists and nods to the older films. They kept Michael a mystery. Zombie made huge mistakes by giving us too much background on the guy, and the original sequels humanized him far too much. He is an entity, not a person, and that's what makes the theme of the original so effective. It is the boogeyman. Anyway, this is how horror is done. 8/10
  8. He is the worst leader in terms of bringing Americans together that we have ever seen. His rhetoric will have a lasting impact. These people are not a threat. Border patrol could have handled this issue without all the political stunts. We got an outspoken guy with a 105 IQ steering the ship straight into hell.
  9. If we have anything resembling "open borders", then it should be through reciprocal open border agreements, similar to free trade agreements. That means that Americans should be able to travel freely into Mexico or any nation in Central America that has an agreement with us, live there, start businesses, and work, but this doesn't imply citizenship either way. However, I still think we should have borders for nations that do not have an agreement with us. I don't think @mclumber1's idea is all that bad. It's beats a wall. Ultimately it would be nice to have an open border agreement with most nations that are friendly to us and have similar cultures, but I do not favor just letting anyone across the border without some sort of enforcement mechanism in place and an agreed upon form of identification per the agreement we make. We should have such an agreement with the EU, Japan, South Korea, Australia, NZ, Canada, etc. in addition to our Latin American friends that want to make deals with us.
  10. I heard on NPR this morning that the issue has only resulted a around a couple dozen, not hundreds, of complaints. The issue is as @sblfilms says as far as I can tell. This isn't rigging the vote.
  11. I voted. The only Republicans I supported were Texas Supreme Court justices.
  12. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/texas-voting-machines-party-switching/ I don't know how widespread the issue is, but I heard on the radio this morning that it is being investigated.
  13. Just ignore what I said. I don’t have time to counter all the points. I deleted my response. Let socialism reign and nevermind all the socialist policies Brazil already has!
  14. I understand why they voted for him. They need to free up their economy and the corruption from their previous leaders has been insane. Brazil has the highest murder rate by raw numbers in the world. I know people from Brazil, and they didn’t want this guy, but they were done with elitist, corrupt social democrats. It really sucks that he has to be such a pos to have economic positions that the Brazilian people deserve.
  15. I've heard the word invasion used about the caravan several times from Trump supporters around here. I can't help but think this sort of rhetoric is not only ridiculous, but it contributes to events like this.
  16. I can't get myself to watch the last season. The show isn't what it was when it started. As for Fear, I watched the first season and stopped. That is terrible show and nothing but a cash grab.
  17. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/amds-stock-craters-more-than-20-after-hours-on-weak-graphics-sales-2018-10-24 https://www.wsj.com/articles/amds-gain-before-pain-1540429159 AMD just hit a huge bump in the road, although one that in my opinion should have been expected. They are making huge gains in the CPU market over time, but their GPUs are behind Nvidia, and they have a lot of work to do still to become what we all hope they will become.
  18. My guess is born again evangelical Christianity and Baptist denominations are very high among the blacks that oppose legalization.
  19. I hope you all realize that I didn’t post that to say that was the end of the story. I thought it was interesting enough to add to the thread. I also think some of the data, for instance in Texas, is measuring in person early voting unless I’m missing something.
  20. Don't forget about the RX 590! https://videocardz.com/newz/asus-preparing-radeon-rx-590-rog-strix-graphics-card
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