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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Considering the massive head start Steam has on every other store, I don't expect Epic to come out the gate with a product just as good as Steam. Let's be realistic. It could take a couple of years, but the reason it's worth watching is they are fucking rich. Their model is the exact model Valve used to build Steam, only they have even more cash to work with. Edit: The other thing we get from competition is eventually these stores could have more features. We have already seen how Steam has reacted to Discord and Twitch. The more competitive pressure that exists, the more features we get with Steam. There is nothing bad about that.
  2. It just opened. In the future, if Epic is semi successful, I believe we will see better sales on Steam. Eventually some of the competitive pressure should come to us.
  3. The publisher platforms will be featureless revenue grabbers. However, what Epic is doing is trying to compete with Steam. You cannot expect them to open up with every game in the Steam library. Valve is arguably not treating developers the way they should, and Steam is stagnating. So we got Discord, Epic, and GOG putting an effort forward. I believe Epic will be the one to create some real competition for Steam. Edit: And where the fuck is Half Life 3? Honestly, Valve has spat in our face for years if you think about it. Remember when they made good games over a decade ago? Now we are getting some stupid card game. I have lost my sympathy for them. I have a huge library on Steam and I still like it, but the only reason Valve would even think about innovating is someone stepping up to the plate. It's about time.
  4. Valve deserves competition. Their revenue cut has been too high and they have done nothing to continue earning the top spot. I used to be such a Steam fanboy, but now I welcome other publishers pushing Valve to make their product better. How about Valve makes some great games again and updates their 15 year old interface!
  5. Kyle_Bennett https://hardforum.com/threads/adoredtv-discusses-the-recent-amd-ryzen-and-radeon-3000-series-leaks.1973015/#post-1043970615 According to Kyle, for whatever it's worth, there is a lot of accuracy to the rumor.
  6. If true, I might have to pick up the 3700x. 12cores/24threads would be more than enough, or why not just go all out! The original rumors had the top Navi at Vega56/1070 speeds. Now there is apparently a Navi 10 chip that competes with the 2070 in addition to the Navi 12. I'm happy to hear that.
  7. I didn't say I wanted him to be running for president. I'm saying if the Democrats want a high probability of winning the general, they should nominate Beto. He will likely win with ease as long as there aren't some huge skeletons in the closet. You're also making a mistake by putting too much stock in Ted Cruz's lack of popularity (Texas GOP still loves the guy) and the amount of people Beto inspired. The numbers in Texas were absolutely shocking to me. I have lived here my entire life. Beto is the variable that will probably push Texas blue 4-6 years earlier than it would have been otherwise. His charisma and energy is why Democrats did so well in Texas. The secondary factors are the gradual demographic shift taking place and Cruz's lack of popularity. But Beto got a bunch of Texans to vote that normally don't bother. It wasn't Ted's lack of charisma and popularity that inspired so many people to show up and vote Democrat. That just causes Republicans to stay home. Texas House Dems that won should give Beto a call and thank him.
  8. Being from the San Antonio area, I have heard Castro speak on NPR numerous times in years past when he was mayor. He is one of the least inspiring politicians I've ever listened to. He doesn't have charisma. I think he's a weak choice, but he seems very motivated to run, so we will probably get to see if he gets any traction.
  9. You overestimate Castro's popularity if you think he is anything like Beto. If Democrats want to win, they will cast aside Harris, Warren, Sanders, Biden, etc., and nominate Beto. If they want to win, that's the right move. That doesn't mean he would be the best president. For Beto, it's a super risky move. He could easily lose the primary, and then disappear off the face of the earth. The smart, conservative play for him is to challenge Dan Patrick for Lt. Governor in Texas in 2022. His one of the least popular state statewide officials in Texas, and Lt. Governor in Texas is an extremely powerful position. They control the Texas Senate, so he would have significant power to legislate however he wants, and could even face down the governor. The con here is he would have find a way to stay relevant and popular during the next 4 years.
  10. I don’t like the idea of a cashless society, but I could deal with. Fuck crypto currencies though.
  11. I get the idea of fresh blood and it wasn’t long ago that I thought they should pick someone else, but she managed to push through cap and trade and the ACA back in 2009. Progressives could probably count on her to get behind some of their more recent efforts and she would be the best shot they have for pushing things through.
  12. Getting rid of Pelosi right now would be a mistake. She is going to be the most effective speaker Democrats could hope for. They should start looking at grooming someone to take over within the next 4 years.
  13. I remember watching the intro featuring this song with my brother and friends back in grade school. It still gives me chills!
  14. I am happy to help. You may want to increase your goal as @Boyle5150 mentioned since so many things are up in the air. Best wishes to come out of this as well as you can.
  15. Now we just need Senator Elect ( is that proper?) Mitt Romney to run again and we are all set for some nostalgia!
  16. I started Divinity OS 2 and I love it. It is so beautiful and everything feels solid. I’m sad to see Obsidian probably done for a while with the rpgs I love, but I am glad Divinity is doing so well because I would love another sequel and more games with this engine!
  17. Because a negative income tax is cheaper and is targeted to the people that need it.
  18. We shall see. The US and Japan are supposed to be negotiating a trade deal right now. Trump may have less of a problem with bilateral trade deals relative to large multi national ones. And add a negative income tax to the list.
  19. Increase legal immigration. Legalize the ones here, but do not grant automatic citizenship. Set up work visa programs. Maintain a border but make immigration deals with other nations and the EU. Free trade deals with the Pacific and Europe. Deschedule marijuana Universal healthcare that is low cost and efficient Keep the corporate tax rates as is; but cut out some deductions. Raise some of the brackets, slash taxes for the poor and middle class some. Eliminate deductions even more. Carbon tax paid back to the people Create incentives for better zoning laws or pass Federal zoning guidelines that make sense (or abolish such laws) More funding for scientific research More funding for nasa Cut defense spending slightly Increase infrastructure spending Mandatory retirement accounts thrown into index funds for all workers create a sovereign wealth fund that only invests in broad indexes and starts distributing gains to the middle class and poor after 10 years More foreign aid
  20. I actually think we should be welcoming anti marijuana AGs. Sessions helped the movement in Congress. Christie would be great.
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