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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Yeah the bottom line is 16gb of hbm is expensive. There is a rumor out there that AMD will be losing money on these cards. Edit: I don't see AMD making a big splash until their new architecture after Navi. I believe Navi has been delayed and they are reworking some things because it isn't competitive with Nvidia products. AMD has cash now to burn, so I think we will see some real improvements soon.
  2. That's a good guess. For all we know when everyone disappears in IW, they end up in alternate universes and that's what we are looking at (and could also add to the significance of the title). Most likely though it's something along the lines that you said. This probably takes place 'after' Endgame, but in order to undo what happens, it involves rolling back the timelines of the universe, or even moving to another universe. The process will kill off many of our early phase heroes. I'm loving the fishbowl and look of Mysterio.
  3. I would have thought Ron Paul's gold portfolio's crappy performance would have woken him up by now. It can't always be 'just about to happen'.
  4. That’s great news. Pelosi continues to gain my favor as she gives pro growth Democrats power.
  5. Our old friend German does a great job covering the book and editorials. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/1/14/18175446/alex-berenson-tell-the-truth-marijuana-psychosis-violence
  6. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-shares-more-details-on-radeon-vii https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-cto-mark-papermaster-promises-more-radeon-products-this-year
  7. It doesn't confirm frequencies or pricing. What it does almost confirm is it appears that AMD will have some 12 and 16 core ryzens at some point. It may not be in the first wave of releases.
  8. There are probably tons of crappy freesync monitors, but my monitor didn’t make the nvidia list, a Nixeus EDG27. It works great with a Vega. This makes me think that either nvidia has some work to do with their drivers or they are exaggerating.
  9. https://www.anandtech.com/show/13829/amd-ryzen-3rd-generation-zen-2-pcie-4-eight-core While the chip showed was only 8 cores/16 thread, there is clearly room for another chiplet to make it 16 cores/32 threads. They could also add an integrated Vega GPU.
  10. Not bad considering no one originally thought this chip was going to be brought to consumers. The pricing sucks, but 16 gigs of HBM isn't cheap.
  11. The worst part about this article and his NYT Op Ed is he cites the National Academy of Sciences 2017 report, acts like we don’t know a thing about cannabis, then goes on to say that it is causing a silent epidemic of violence and mental illness. This is a hypothesis on sketchy correlations at best. The report never made any such conclusions. In fact, he stretched the report further than I’ve ever seen and failed to mention the medical benefits the report found for certain conditions (even without standardized dosing) or that moderate evidence now indicates there is no association between smoking marijuana and cancers of the lung, head, mouth, or neck, the same cancers that tobacco smoking causes. Also someone might want to let him know that tobacco and alcohol also have evidence that they cause mental illness.
  12. The poll is almost useless. I guess it somewhat shows that the parties are becoming more extreme on both sides, but since it doesn't define the terms, it is pretty empty to me. A lot of Democrats these days wouldn't even qualify as "liberals". They're more like social democrats, or even some democratic socialists.
  13. I don't see how it negatively impacts the middle class whenever they are getting paid for their carbon use. If the commuter is getting paid dividends back, then how is it hurting them? The people getting hurt the most would be the fossil fuel industry, but I thought you would like that. The innovation in the energy markets will benefit everyone. I'm talking about solar, wind, nuclear (maybe, it seems that solar and wind will be cheaper and better if energy storage tech works out), and energy storage becoming better and better to a point that it is cheaper than natural gas. We are talking about gasoline and diesel fueled cars being subpar and more expensive. This sort of innovation will help both the environment and the middle class. This seems pretty basic. There isn’t any real faith involved. We already have seen that subsidizing wind and solar leads to more wind and solar. Taxing carbon is a subside for wind and solar, and every other carbon free energy source. A carbon tax that ramps up quickly over a 10 year period of time would transform the country's energy and fuel infrastructure quicker than a vague green new deal.
  14. Muahahhahh! In all seriousness, thanks! I don't know if everyone here agrees with you, but I appreciate that!
  15. AhHA!! The truth comes out. It's the same thing I have encountered with some Trump voters. They voted for him because it's a fun show! As I said previously, if we want to help the environment, the very best policy we can advocate for is to tax carbon. Regulations need to be tightened on the environment as well, but that is the single biggest thing we can do. Edit: Think about it for a minute. Taxing carbon in one stroke does everything you just said in one policy. It directly taxes the thing ruining our environment more than any other thing. A natural consequence of taxing carbon will be more energy efficient infrastructure, solar power, electric cars, etc.
  16. My skepticism for super high rates isn't because I love fat cats or anything. I love this country. I'm sincerely concerned that proposals like that would do a lot more harm to the economy than people here seem to think. At the very least, it is highly uncertain what would happen, and that's a big risk to take given the stakes. It could result in economic stagnation or innovation drastically slowing down. We can help the middle class and poor without resorting to such risky policy making.
  17. Oh and by the way, if you want to reduce carbon emissions, here's an idea that does have a consensus in economics. You fucking tax carbon and pay the revenue back to the people. You don't tax the rich and pay for green pet projects. Tax carbon, increase the rate each year until we are completely off of it. The market gets to decide what sources of non carbon win, not Congress.
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