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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I usually stick with all air cooling for my pcs, the exception being my current video card. If I ordered from any of these custom pc builders, I think a good lesson from all this is to get all air cooling and a decent PSU. If you can build it, then build it. I have heard off and on that NewEgg can assemble pcs for people, but I cannot find the service listed anywhere.
  2. Yeah I'm not concerned with ads like that and should have been more specific that my concerns are more general. I am concerned with glorifying cannabis like alcohol is and tobacco used to be glorified.
  3. We should legalize it, but we don't have to celebrate it. I remember the tobacco ads when I was a kid. Joe Camel looked like a badass. That stuff has an effect. Alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and any other drug we can buy for general use should have ads restricted. If usage started spiking in teens, the movement towards legalization may end up falling apart. I would prefer smart, measured policies that regulate the stuff and keep ads off TV.
  4. I like Hulu and plan to keep my no ad plan. For live TV, I use youtube tv, but I may cancel it eventually.
  5. I would rather not marijuana become so commercial that we have ads for it on TV. We really should be trying to reign in alcohol advertising, not allowing more ads.
  6. I enjoyed the first one. I find a lot of the criticism it gets is unwarranted. If you like crpgs it's great. Sometimes there's a little bit too much text, but that's about it.
  7. I bought this on sale a few months ago. I'm still playing Divinity OS 2, but once I'm done with that, this is a real possibility and I may just play it with turn based combat!
  8. Is this a summary of the positions? Position 1: Not everyone that wears a MAGA hat is a racist, but some of them are. It depends. Position 2: Everyone that wears a MAGA hat is a racist If this is what we are arguing about, I have to say that position 2 seems to be the tougher one to support and substantiate. It is a claim that requires more evidence.
  9. I may be late to this thread, but on the monitor, I recently saw an interesting freesync option that Tom's praised: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/dell-s2719dgf-155hz-gaming-monitor,5881.html This monitor appears to work with gsync: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YI0RQcymJSY0-LkbjSRGswWpJzVRuK_4zMvphRbh19k/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true&fbclid=IwAR1RB8stQlk1B-RE63GhGUTe57J0x-DUboTUtFWxbcoTzicFEerRG6n0GlA# With freesync monitors now working with nvidia cards, there are a lot of monitors to choose from. @Anzo, I just noticed that you went AMD on the CPU side. You don't need a CPU cooler if you go with Ryzen. It comes with a decent one. Maybe I missed that discussion ITT.
  10. 1) Yes it says a lot, but it doesn't say anything about everyone with certainty. There could easily be kids there that have the attire on due to peer pressure, but I would bet it's a small minority of them. Also, what precisely do you think you can infer from the attire? Tell me what these kids believe aside from being anti abortion (nearly half the country) and being for a wall (which has now evolved into "barriers" and slats)? How certain are you with these extra claims you are adding? 2) I don't see how this is obvious at all. Are we seriously going to claim that someone wearing traditional Muslim attire tells us nothing about that person? Obviously there is room for uncertainty, but this seem like a bold assertion. 3) What assumptions do you think you can make about the person in premise 1 aside from the wall and being anti abortion? Could you not infer traditional Muslim attire increases the probability of certain beliefs vs another group without any attire on? Hmm Edited
  11. A green tide in Congress raises hopes that pot could be legal under federal law by year’s end. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/01/21/marijuana-legalization-congress-224031 ______________ Lindsey Graham and Mitch hold the cards for a permanent change in law. Otherwise we are looking at just appropriation amendments.
  12. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/atheism-agnosticism/#DefiAgno Proof that the term agnostic is so loaded that it is better to just state in simple terms what you believe and what you think you know. When I hear someone say they're agnostic, I usually think they mean they are psychologically agnostic, that is that they make no claim about the existence or non existence of a God.
  13. I wonder what everyone here and all the candidates think of modern monetary theory. Cortez subscribes, but I’m not sure about any of the primary candidates. I think it’s bullshit.
  14. So Kamala- Authoritarian DA Bernie- Old and allowed sexual harassment in his 2016 campaign to go on Beto- In bed with oil companies and is apparently a corporate shill Gillibrand- ? Warren- "Pocahontas" by Trump Biden- Old news Booker- corporate shill Castro- no charisma Everyone else- generic nobodies
  15. Ahh that’s what I get. The first time I got semi excited and interested in Trump’s alleged crimes and it ends up being false.
  16. Here is a list of freesync monitors people have tested with gsync: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YI0RQcymJSY0-LkbjSRGswWpJzVRuK_4zMvphRbh19k/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true&fbclid=IwAR1RB8stQlk1B-RE63GhGUTe57J0x-DUboTUtFWxbcoTzicFEerRG6n0GlA#
  17. On NPR this morning, he indicated that he had not seen the documents, but his two sources had. What's going on here?
  18. This morning on my way into the office, I heard NPR interview one of the journalists that broke the story. He said their two sources have access to written evidence that Trump directed him to lie. They have other sources that corroborate their two law enforcement sources, but they won't go on the record.
  19. The only positive from all this could be that it could make other European nations think twice before leaving the EU.
  20. AMD is competitive in the mid range (or what was the mid range). The 580 is extremely competitive with the 1060 (arguably better), and this is the price point that most gamers are at. Nevertheless, people still buy 1060s over 580s by several fold. This isn't a rational response since a 1060 isn't going to be faster just because Nvidia has faster cards at the top. https://www.techspot.com/review/1393-radeon-rx-580-vs-geforce-gtx-1060/page8.html
  21. That sounds awful. I thought cyberpowerpc was okay. @brucoe I wouldn't be surprised if the issue is the power supply. My recommendation is to not accept the standard power supply they put in there. Get a name brand one.
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