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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2019/03/10/beto-orourke-2020-attack-1214805 Club for Growth is scared of Beto.
  2. If you're poor in another country, this is the scariest thing Bernie Sanders has said https://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11139718/bernie-sanders-trade-global-poverty
  3. There shouldn’t be any opting out for religions reasons, or any philosophical reason at all. We got a dumb ass state lawmaker in Texas wanting to strengthen opt outs for religious reasons. The recent out breaks do not concern him because we have antibiotics. I wish I was making this up. Maybe I didn’t read the story very closely. That has to be it because no one in power could possibly be that ignorant. Here is that article: https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2019/02/texas-lawmakers-push-bill-making-vaccine-exemptions-easier.html?outputType=amp
  4. I’m skeptical that it has been solved economically. Technically we can do it, but it makes wind and solar a lot more expensive. It will be solved eventually, but more research needs to be put into it.
  5. From all the articles I’ve read for the last 10 years on green energy, energy storage continues to be the largest roadblock to carbon free renewable energy. As I mentioned earlier, solar and wind are often times the cheapest option for many regions, but grids can only handle x % for technological reasons and reliability. If we had better energy storage, whether it comes from batteries, compressed air, heat storage (eg molten salt) or whatever wins economically, we could transform the grid. It seems like tech is improving, but not quickly enough. Natural gas can help supplement solar, wind, and nuclear until they figure out storage tech. But government needs to do more to speed this tech up.
  6. A steep carbon tax is going to hurt, but in less than 20 years America would be dominating the world economy in exporting green energy. The pain wouldn’t last as long as many of us think. Wind and solar are already the cheapest option in many places. Once we master energy storage, electricity can be nearly 100% carbon free. The biggest challenges are going to be concrete and Ag. Ag in particular needs to be handled with care since we don’t want mandates that result in starvation. WaPo has it right in that we should implement huge incentives for green practices.
  7. Climate change is a lot bigger deal than the wet dream of nationalists.
  8. I have wanted high speed rail for years, but for whatever reason it costs double to triple to get it done in this country, not to mention all the lawsuits and red tape from local and state governments. Congress needs to pass a bill that forces it through and shields construction from hurdles to fast track it. I have heard some coworkers talking about battery powered planes becoming viable in the near future. They were probably taking about prop planes though.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/want-a-green-new-deal-heres-a-better-one/2019/02/24/2d7e491c-36d2-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html?utm_term=.45bc66edeb29
  10. I didn’t care for Westworld season 2, but some episodes I liked more than others. I don’t really remember if that was one of them.
  11. I’m pumped for this series. This won’t be The Hobbit films! As for Amazon, I am currently watching The Americans and before that I watched The Expanse. I have no complaints except the interface and sometimes subtitles don’t work.
  12. I agree with a lot of your post, but I’m still not convinced. I acknowledge that there is a much stronger wing of the Democratic Party which subscribes to democratic socialism or social democracy than before , but it isn’t a majority of the party. Or maybe I’m wrong. The primary will tell us. I was wrong about Beto having as much support as he did in Texas. Perhaps the Dems are ready for Sanders. One difference between your history of progressives being correct and the new proposals out of Warren, Sanders, AOC, etc. is the Democratic socialist wing of the party’s proposals require a drastic change in the economic and tax structure of society. The ACA is the only thing that is close to it on your list.
  13. So Republicans are adept at ripping apart moderates and portraying them as X, therefore Democrats are ready to nominate Sanders or Warren? I believe that a lot of Democrats don’t subscribe to their vision. It isn’t about them sacrificing their beliefs for a candidate more likely to win.
  14. I think a lot of people here are going to be very disappointed to see the results of the primary. There are a lot of members of the Democratic Party that aren’t ready for the policies they are proposing and would prefer a Biden like candidate, and yes I’m aware of the polls that show many people like each policy standing on its own ( will be different when proposing the whole package I bet). I think most here and on places like Reddit do not represent the majority of the party.
  15. My understanding is it would be cheaper to keep rich people out, even with the bureaucracy in mind. I would like to see evidence that the bureaucracy would cost more. This is rarely the case. I'm on board with Early College and vocational certifications in high school. This is where resources should be focused.
  16. ‘He is not going to be the nominee’: Dems slam Sanders over Maduro stance The just-announced 2020 contender declines to say whether the socialist Venezuelan dictator should go.
  17. Beyerdynamic DT 880s. I love them. Here is a nice headphone buying guide: https://www.head-fi.org/articles/headphone-buying-guide.14163/
  18. From what I remember of the books, it wasn't half as bad as the show. I'll just add the show is like Twilight, but lower budget.
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