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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think they’ve been easy on him, especially during his 2016 campaign. I agree that the media seems to favor sane Democrats over protectionist democratic socialists, but I just don’t think that’s a bad thing.
  2. He should have done the right thing and not run. He’s too old and plenty of others have adopted many of his ideas.
  3. You think the mainstream media has a bias against Bernie because they're worried he will take their money. Why do you think that? Who is worried about this in the mainstream media and what is your definition of the mainstream media?
  4. No one could possibly have issues with his ideas actually hurting everyone. It has to be that everyone is scared Bernie will take their money. Nevermind all his nutty terrible positions over the years.
  5. Bernie Sanders has emerged as the Donald Trump of the Left This columnist is a corporate shill. Someone should egg his car. There's nothing like a good primary!
  6. It goes without saying that no one has ever been treated so badly. What was I thinking?
  7. No one in American history has been persecuted as much as Bernie Bros. My heart goes out to them. Biden should not run. There is worse to come imo.
  8. I enjoyed it a lot. I saw the "twist" as a real possibility, but it didn't really bother me when it was true. Overall this was quite original and creepy. I enjoyed the explanation and having black actors didn't take anything away from the film and shouldn't be an issue.
  9. I think it has to be bigger than this and I think there will probably be an accusation far worse than this. Plus do we really want Biden? He’s too old.
  10. But I thought Trump and Bernie said that it will create jobs here to offset the pain?
  11. I think a negative income tax would be a lot cheaper and would be more likely to pass. It's the same concept but targeted at just the middle class and poor. $12k/year plus medicare for all is going to cost a fortune.
  12. I cut soda out over 5 years ago. When I get a craving, I reach for unflavored carb water or just water. I drink 1-2 cups of black coffee in the morning and sometimes some unsweetened tea later in the day, but I try to keep my caffeine low. Black coffee seems to be healthy as long as it isn’t too hot. There are too many studies adding up now, so I think it’s a good thing to drink a cup or two a day. I also think added sugar should be taxed.
  13. You all just haven’t caught Beto fever yet. In a few months, even Redsoxfan will be pasting pro Beto tweets!
  14. A VAT and recognition that zoning regulations are hurting people are pretty impressive things to throw up on a website.
  15. https://amp.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-in-1970s-pushed-for-nationalization-of-major-industries-2019- Just a regular guy
  16. An article I read recently seemed to indicate that a lot of companies in Washington State and Oregon are making less and less per gram to the point where only the large players are winning because they have economies of scale. This shouldn’t shock us since this is typically how markets work. Speciality strains, edibles, capsules, and all the other special things are how some of the smaller companies could potentially make it. I think people are starting to realize you can’t make profits by having a little grow operation in the garage. Also mclumber is right to tax the weight, not the price. I think taxing thc and cbd is also a good idea.
  17. Even though Vermont was the first to legalize possession via legislature, they didn't legalize commercial sales (although they attempting to do so right now), so NJ may be the first to do that.
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