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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I’m pretty sure that Zen 3 will still be am4. They will change when a new ram standard or something big happens.
  2. I'm also eyeing the 12c/24t model, but want to see independent gaming benchmarks first.
  3. Biden thinks that everything the GOP is doing is related to Trump. He doesn't realize that the GOP base is going to expect Republicans to stay the course after Trump leaves.
  4. Get the Fed to lower rates a couple of times and then suddenly announce that all the tariffs are lifted 9-12 months before the election.
  5. What poison pills did Democrats put in the New York legislation where they can't count on a single Republican vote? Illinois's legislature passed legalization with a bipartisan vote because they compromised on certain details. I don't think there has been any real attempt to make it a bipartisan effort in NY.
  6. I don't consider it a compromise to talk about systems that seem to work just as well as M4A. The goal is to help as many people as possible. The world has already proven that there are other ways to do this than M4A. I guess I don't understand why the goal must be M4A. Allowing a public option and adding more regulations would be less of a nightmare than passing Bernie's M4A. I'm not sure in what world everyone lives in that a bill abolishing private insurance passes easier. Why not go for the Wyden healthcare bill from back in 2009-2010, but allow insurance companies to sell across state lines under Federal mandates and regulations? Control drug prices and prices on services. This would allow giant national sized pools and more competition. All the while, allow Medicare/Medicaid for anyone who wants it and provide good subsides and tax credits to individuals/families so their insurance plan is portable, giving them more leverage for increased wages and other forms of employment.
  7. @SaysWho?, I don't see what Delaney said wrong. Bernie and AOC have made it seem like M4A is the only way to achieve universal health insurance. Many other developed nations achieve universal coverage through other methods that don't result in abolishing private insurance and all options should be on the table, not just the one Bernie and AOC like. The UK even allows a private system to exist along side their public system, and they have a national hospital system.
  8. He ran on it and he been lobbying for the bill. It hasn’t been officially signed yet though. Vermont legalized personal possession and cultivation of the flower through the legislature, but not a market. Illinois will be the first to legalize a commercial market for adult general use through the legislature.
  9. I wish they would release the first one on PC. I would like to play it. The only games I've played on my Playstation the last 5 years are the Persona series. Btw, related to this game: NieR: Automata passes 4 million total worldwide sales
  10. The second time you beat it, you do so from a different perspective with different mechanics. It's all linked together too in a way. It's part of what makes the experience so unique.
  11. I love this game, and I love the story so damn much. It is really innovative and I had quite a few emotional moments, including the ending sequence which was awesome! I always recommend this game. On PC, get the FAR mod.
  12. https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-met-illinois-marijuana-legislation-senate-20190529-story.html https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-met-illinois-recreational-marijuana-legislation-20190531-story.html Legalization has stalled in New Jersey and New York. It would be neat to see at least one state make it to the finish with a governor willing to sign it. Update: Illinois breaks the losing streak this year and will become the first legislature to legalize a commercial marijuana market.
  13. One side isn't always bigger than the other. I've seen arbitration and venue clauses in agreements between similarly sized companies. There are such thing as insane counties in Texas that rule contrary to legal precedence. They are widely known as being corrupt and plaintiff friendly. Plaintiffs go venue shopping and if need be, sue someone on bullshit charges that has no real relevance to the case just to get venue somewhere very far away from where the incident took place (they will then settle with this "defendant" before it goes to trial, and payments are made on the back end) . I've seen court cases where a small business loses when it wasn't their fault because a jury in a particular county felt that way. It was known in these cases that it would be overturned upon appeal, but lawyers play a game of settlement vs risking if the Texas Supreme Court will take it up. I acknowledge that it is abused with bigger companies forcing contract workers into bad agreements. I was simply saying not to throw the baby out with the bath water. These clauses protect small companies a lot of the time too, you just don't hear about it on reddit.
  14. I'm not for the over use of contractual labor, but arbitration agreements between companies is a good thing. I know many small businesses (less than 70 employees) that use arbitration and venue clauses to keep themselves out of plaintiff friendly jurisdictions that have no true relevance to the cases in question. It certainly can be abused in the cases of using contractors as employees and stacking it against them.
  15. I think the last remaining Children of the Forest died when Bran made his escape as he was north of the wall. That was the last of their kind. It's possible I remember it wrong.
  16. @skillzdadirecta, When I first read hbo wanted 10 seasons, I thought hbo was just being greedy and that would be too long. Now I strongly believe that it needed around 20 additional episodes to end as strongly as it began.
  17. Yeah I have defended the show against the criticism. I think this is another symptom of it just being rushed. If they provided context for why the Watch was to still exist, heck even a couple of lines of dialogue, it could have helped it along.
  18. It was rushed, treated the audience like children, and too happy. It didn't feel like the show we came to love. It wasn't the worst thing ever, but for what I consider to be the best fantasy show ever made, it wasn't as good as it needed to be.
  19. It was a joke. There has been no evidence in the show. The only way would be Bran.
  20. It’s really frustrating for Texans since Beto has a lot of power to help turn this state purple. My bet is the Texas House would go blue if he ran for US Senate which would give Dems veto power over redistricting. That’s real meaningful change for the long term here. And if he lost to Cornyn, he would still be a hero and could challenge Dan Patrick, an unpopular Lt gov here. He is accomplishing nothing on the same stage as 20+ other candidates. Part of my motive for being for Beto for president is I know it would help moderate our state out by bringing out the Texas vote. But it’s just not meant to be.
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