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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I’ve read some articles about her. I think she has potential, but it’s hard to believe she will do as well as Beto would have. I look forward to seeing her campaign and hope she doesn’t have too much of a primary.
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/25/health/san-francisco-e-cigarette-ban-sales-bn/index.html
  3. No plants are allowed unless you're a medical patient. It was one of the compromises with law enforcement.
  4. The states that are very conservative without ballot initiative processes will likely be last. In the past, I would have put Texas on that list, but things are changing here.
  5. It's going to be difficult to recommend Intel in any circumstance.
  6. It's justified in their minds because Trump is pro life. They care more about what judges his appoints than what he did 35 years ago.
  7. “You’re fascinating to talk to...” She does realize that Cooper is interested in men right? That seemed like she was hitting on him.
  8. I've concluded that it would take video footage of Trump raping someone for it to be newsworthy. Even then, he would have a good 35% of the country fully behind him.
  9. This is exactly the sort of thing I expect from Israel! My expectations have been met!
  10. Some of this money could be used to make our high schools vocational hubs and better launching pads into public universities or into careers. We could have a track system and could stop pretending everyone is going to get a 4 year degree, or even that it’s desirable. Most of these students we will all be paying for will drop out if we pretend like everyone is the same.
  11. Somewhere reality is going to come crashing down. The costs of Warren and Sander’s proposals costs tax money which means multiple tax bills has to pass both the senate and the House. Battles have to be chosen carefully. If you can help more people for less money, we should do it. That’s what progressive policy is all about. Modern monetary theory is false so taxation for these policies is necessary.
  12. Everyone should have access to whatever degree or college in the country, regardless of the tuition cost or inflation? What is the opportunity cost for free tuition when there are so many other areas the poor and middle class need help? Why can’t we favor a progressive system that pays for the poor to go to college and helps them middle class? The structure and governing body of a university is fundamentally different than grade school. I can be for helping people go to college without lazy proposals that pretend like there is an infinite supply of money.
  13. I can't help but think he planned to call it off all along; he wanted the headlines saying he called it off at the last minute so he can get in front of the crowds at his rallies and lecture everyone how tough it is to be president and how he will always do the right thing, but you gotta be tough, but you gotta fair people, you gotta be fair. And you gotta be smart.
  14. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/which-democratic-candidates-are-the-most-progressive-on-criminal-justice-issues/
  15. Sanders knocks Warren: Corporate wing of Democratic Party is 'anybody but Bernie' Warren emerges as potential compromise nominee Centrists who once said the senator would lead the party to ruin are coming around to her as an alternative to Bernie Sanders.
  16. Nothing is giving me more pleasure than watching Bernie go down in flames again. If Warren is the one that finishes him off, I'll take it. She isn't even close to my first choice, but it's just great to see Democrats rejecting the nutcase.
  17. Bernie wastes so much energy trying to redefine democratic socialism. You be the judge on what his real political philosophy is based on his policies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_democracy Since Sanders insists that the term be used, my guess is he still believes in transforming the means of production.
  18. I’m holding out for RDNA 2.0 most likely! AMD all the way!!
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