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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. MMT is like the “science” behind supernatural orbs. Let’s see what economists think about it: http://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/modern-monetary-theory
  2. I have zero interest in seeing this after skimming some review summaries. Thanks RT!
  3. I don’t understand the hate for season 2. This show is amazing. There’s really nothing else quite like it right now, and they’re doing an incredible job balancing all the genres into one.
  4. I'd be curious to see how Sony ends up doing with the Venom sequel and Morbius. I bet Morbius will flop. Sony should be happy that their license is making them some cash. They can cash in with secondary characters from the Spider-Man universe and do more animated features.
  5. I will likely be buying big Navi as well next year. I may get a 5700 XT for another machine I may end up building between now and then though.
  6. I think I just like more power! It did kind of come true, it just moves very slowly. The best example is the 7700k (4 core 8 thread) vs 7600k. This somewhat correlates with the 8 thread consoles using AMD jaguar cores. The next gen consoles will likely be 16 threads which creates incentives for game developers to utilize more. It is very long-term though. We are talking 5 years or so before we see it more often from AAA titles.
  7. https://www.anandtech.com/show/14605/the-and-ryzen-3700x-3900x-review-raising-the-bar/20 https://www.pcgamer.com/amd-ryzen-9-3900x-and-ryzen-7-3700x-review-in-progress/#comment-jump It's pretty remarkable to read about what AMD has achieved here. Just a few years ago, everyone was making fun of AMD's faildozer and most people seemed to think they were going to go bankrupt. Here we are and AMD just surpassed Intel in IPC for most applications. And while they can't beat Intel's fastest gaming chips, they are extremely competitive and future proof in the case more threads are utilized.
  8. I’m leaning 3900 but I don’t plan to build my other machine yet. Maybe there will be a price drop by then.
  9. I’m slightly disappointed they couldn’t take the crown from the 9900 in gaming, but I’m also not shocked and it gets really close. The 3700 is going to be an easy recommend for most people at that price. At the rate AMD is closing the gaming gap, they would be equivalent at zen 3. These chips seem to take the crown from Intel in most applications. However, I believe intel will strike back next year with a major Ipc uplift.
  10. 3d seems to be on the decline in the San Antonio area. I've noticed fewer and fewer showings over the last few years. Maybe it's my imagination, but I seem to recall reading an article that this is a nationwide trend.
  11. I enjoyed it. Here are my Spider-Man movie rankings: 8) The Amazing Spider-Man 7) The Amazing Spider-Man 2 6) Spider-Man 3 5) Spider-Man: Homecoming 4) Spider-Man 1 3) Spider-Man: Far From Home 2) Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 1) Spider-Man 2
  12. This has all made the case stronger than ever for loosening our immigration laws so there is a process that people can go through to get visa status very quickly so no one is thrown into a concentration camp.
  13. This could easily go either way. I think the pictures are a strong start. The costumes look good to me.
  14. According to the video replays I just watched: Climate change- He said a carbon tax and a progressive dividend that benefits the lower and middle class. This is the answer I look for from a politician since this is what economists say would have the best results in the most efficient way possible. Obviously more needs to be done, but there isn't a better answer for the start of the solution. Universal healthcare- I didn't see any video on that. My guess is he favors a public option and more subsides for the poor and middle class. Student debt- He said he wants to make it free for the lower and middle class, but not rich families. He also wants to make it okay for non college graduates to be able to afford living expenses.
  15. I just watched some of the highlights. Pete is presidential material. He's correct on trade too, unlike many of the other popular Dems.
  16. Agreed on her look. I think some people are concerned about her being too tall, but I just don't think that's a real concern.
  17. Picking of SOMA and Age of Decadence so far. Not sure what else to buy when my backlog is so large.
  18. The National Academy of Sciences touched on the harms of e cig use in their 2018 report if anyone is interested: https://www8.nationalacademies.org/onpinews/newsitem.aspx?RecordID=24952
  19. From what I recall, the FDA originally set a very short deadline to pass all FDA safety protocols. The story was that most vape makers would have gone out of business because they were too small to get through the process so quickly. The FDA gave these companies an extension to 2022 from my understanding. That means all vape products are under fda jurisdiction, but the devices haven’t had to get through the whole process yet. I have never used a nicotine vaporizer, but I think it’s in our interest to have them be as safe as possible. Maybe 2022 was too long, but if they had stuck to their original deadline, it would have handed the industry over to large established tobacco companies. So I guess I’m conflicted. The FDA also seems to be acting far too slowly regulating cbd extracted from hemp. This stuff is legal even in Texas now, but there’s no over sight on what’s in these products. Texas will at least have some basic regulations soon.
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