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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. This is just desperation. I look forward to my zen 2 build in the near future!
  2. I read the book around 5 years ago. I really enjoyed it. It is an extremely vulgar book though. The child orgy scene just started happening (I didn’t know it was in the book) and it felt somewhat out of place, but not entirely given how vulgar the rest of the book is and it was over in less than 2 pages if I remember right. It’s a shame that some people avoid the story over it when you can just skip it, and many times that’s the first thing people mention when discussing IT. As for the movie, I want to see it since I enjoyed the first one, but the runtime is a deterrent and I’m pressed for free time atm.
  3. Agreed that they are asleep on nicotine vaping. However, can the FDA regulate cannabis products whenever Congress has it schedule 1 Senator? I think Congress (or arguably the executive) has to deschedule or reschedule to give the FDA the authority cannabis/THC.
  4. I grew up in the gun culture and went to several gun shows as a child. I knew people that had been waiting their entire life for the government to make their move on the people. Their first move is to take the guns. Gun shows would sell large pipes that people could bury their guns in that are supposed to make metal detection more difficult because of the material the pipe was made of. These people are extremely motivated and even seem to want for the day to come where gun buybacks become mandatory. They are ready to bury their weapons. They intend to resist with force if necessary because they have it in their heads that any government that would want to seize their firearms is an authoritarian regime. I don't know what to do with these people, but as more time passes and I have to read about these awful occurrences, the less I care about their distorted beliefs and what they would do if the government started clamping down with registrations, licenses, buybacks, etc.
  5. Rey was a virgin birth as was Anakin. Palatine was the father with the force. Palatine cheated death as his master taught him or he is in fact his old master (twist!!!) and it turns out the Ewoks on Endor are now evil red eyed minions for Palatine.
  6. No they should not. That’s prohibition which has tons of negative consequences.They should be fully legal to possess, sell, and purchase, but they should only be allowed in stores which only sell tobacco products, not available at every gas station. It should be 21 to buy or possess and excise taxes should remain elevated to discourage over consumption. Taxing and further regulating and educating people on their negative health effects has been working quite well without resorting to turning over a multi billion dollar industry to cartels.
  7. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/08/28/critics-cdc-silent-vaping-thc-injuries-mount/2121523001/ tldr: THC vaping cartridges may be to blame, but it's too early to tell.
  8. Vaporizers, all vape liquids, and all cannabis extracts should be regulated at the Federal level.
  9. Ahh nevermind then. Was there anything conclusively said about violent video game revenue vs total?
  10. Senate but that isn’t happening. There are too many candidates. He already chose. I’m obviously hoping he is chosen as VP.
  11. The lesson of the last 40 years is developed countries can have plenty of national debt without it being a major problem. There is a limit, but the United States isn't even close to it. I still favor surplus budgets during growing years and major deficits during recessions, but that sort of fiscal discipline doesn't exist.
  12. I'm hoping that there are some good things in this bill. I can't find anything on medical research and scientific research in general, but there has to be some with all this additional spending.
  13. That shows how good these cpus are. I find it especially interesting that the dual chiplet 3900 beats the single chiplet 3700 in most benchmarks. That extra cache must make all the difference. Apparently crossing from chiplet to chiplet doesn't outweigh the extra cache. Bravo AMD. That bodes well for their servers and threadrippers.
  14. https://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/y2019/Hummelmonetarytheory.html Thoughts on this column?
  15. This is a good point. I feel that everything in the film worked quite well (especially the illusion sequences which is exactly what I wanted to see), but in the end watching Spider-Man kill drones is not very cool. I still think this was about as good of a job as they could possibly do with Mysterio.
  16. I can't wait for season 4. I love this show! I have no idea when it's dropping though.
  17. I liked House and Devil's Rejects, although it's been a very long time. I strongly dislike his Halloween movies and stopped watching his movies after part 2. He seems to cast his wife in a lot of shit and she's just not that good of an actress. All of his films feel the same, regardless of the content. Halloween is supposed to be a sort of creepy stalker boogeyman tone, but his versions are just gore porn slashers. I'm skeptical of another film.
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