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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It's the real deal now. This isn't all the hyped up speculation that the Mueller investigation produced that went no where. With Pelosi on board, it's clear the Democrats are united. Now they need to get the optics correct and make sure Trump doesn't control the focus of the media with Biden or insert whatever else he will try.
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pelosi-quietly-sounding-out-house-democrats-about-whether-to-impeach-trump-officials-say/2019/09/23/98a33fd8-de5f-11e9-8fd3-d943b4ed57e0_story.html
  3. I would feel more comfortable with impeachment if Pelosi supported it and they had a recording of Trump's phone call on Ukraine.
  4. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/15/moderate-democrats-pelosi-impeachment-1495832 Some of the same Dems that flipped the US House are the ones saying to knock off the impeachment talk. The Senate would not vote to remove. I agree it’s their duty to impeach, but we are in an age where truth no longer matters. No one here knows how an impeachment process would go down today. We do know that the house flipped in 2018 without an impeachment inquiry. The status quo would likely allow Dems to hold the house and probably take the presidency.
  5. What is AOC and her little wing doing to help Democrats in swing districts such as the suburbs of Texas to keep their seat in 2020? Pelosi sees the long game and knows impeachment is risky. All Democrats have to do is run on expanding Obamacare with a public option and doing things that poll well. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1057036 I admit this latest episode means Dems should impeach as it’s their duty, but it may cost them when they already have a winning hand.
  6. Ideally all the subsides would be transferred directly to individuals and families rather than employers to completely sever the link.
  7. The money that employers would put into HSAs could be used to purchase health insurance and pay for premiums. I imagine in such a scenario, in addition to employer contributions, the middle class and below would have Federal subsides to help too. I believe he also said you could purchase Medicare with this, so I'm not sure why you only mentioned private insurance when Medicare would be available to anyone who wants it.
  8. @mclumber1, What do you mean full repeal of the preexisting conditions clause for private insurance? Other than that, I like your idea of allowing individuals and families to choose and purchase their own plan assuming there is a public option.
  9. Yep. I’ve encountered a few reddit users that have made the mistake of saying every other developed nation has single payer healthcare except the U.S. The correct talking point is every other rich nation has a universal healthcare system. This was said fairly frequently when the ACA was being debated. Multi payer mixed systems can work really well.
  10. I’m assuming the Working Families Party has a system that its members and leaders all have consented to and they endorsed Warren. Who cares if the leaders went Warren. Bernie lost.
  11. I cut YouTube tv a few months ago and I don’t miss it aside from not having grand slam tennis. Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix have so much stuff.
  12. 75% of American adults oppose a handgun sales ban. It's tough to put that out there when it is so unpopular. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/support-free-trade-reaches-new-high-nbc-wsj-poll-n1043601
  13. I’m perfectly fine with these innovations as long as they are safe and regulated.
  14. I’m wondering how the GOP and the general public will respond to this issue with respect to marijuana legalization. To me, this strengthens the urgency of Federal legalization and regulation of all cannabis products. The FDA cannot act when cannabis is schedule 1. But I imagine some are going to spin this as ‘I told you so! We need to prohibit it in every state since it’s dangerous!’ This situation isn’t really shocking. What we have is a patchwork of state regulations and a massive black market. The state programs unleashed a bunch of cannabis products that go well beyond the flower of the plant. Now it’s not much different than a black market for booze or pharmaceuticals with respect to extracts and cartridges.
  15. It seems like people aren't aware of the 2018 election here in Texas. I don't think Texas is going reliably blue over the next decade. I believe that we are going to turn purple and become a swing state. I don't know if 2020 will be the first year we see a complete crack form in the GOP's hold of the state, but as I said before, I think the Texas House is where you're going to see it flip first (maybe there's a ~25% chance of it happening in 2020). There is a lot of money flowing into those races right now.
  16. There's a reasonable chance that the Texas House could go blue. It's more important than it seems since Dems could influence redistricting which hold for 10 years.
  17. https://www.texastribune.org/2019/09/08/texas-democrats-blue-plan/
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