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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. @b_m_b_m_b_m, Bernie's plan includes rent control on a national scale which is a policy that would inhibit the construction of new housing and further distort the market. Economists are pretty firm on this. It makes more sense to upzone everywhere you can and subsidize housing for the lower middle class and poor than it does to implement rent control.
  2. It's one of the tougher ones to address if we want to get to net zero. Start with a carbon tax and then fill in the gaps like WaPo wrote: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/want-a-green-new-deal-heres-a-better-one/2019/02/24/2d7e491c-36d2-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46455844 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_impact_of_concrete
  4. Put a price on carbon and give it back to the people. Invest in "green infrastructure", energy storage tech, and new methods to produce concrete.
  5. I don't see how more house members would help with the leadership issue. Edit: Nevermind. I think you meant it would help with other issues, which I agree.
  6. If Sony thinks they're going to build their "Sony's Marvel Universe" just because Venom did ok at the box office, they're in for a rude awakening. I bet some of their follow-ups like Morbius flop hard. I'm glad to see they worked this out for at least another film.
  7. It would be so fucking satisfying seeing Trump in cuffs being put into a law enforcement vehicle, agents making sure he doesn't bump his head as he gets in. I know we aren't even close to that, but damn that would be amazing.
  8. The most essential branch of the U.S. government is collapsing before our eyes—right as it faces a historic showdown. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/27/impeachment-trump-congress-house-228346 I thought this was a pretty depressing article that lays it all out. We all know Congress is fucked, but it's interesting to read how it feels from the perspective of a rep.
  9. Any politician that is using their position in violation of the constitution should be impeached or prosecuted. I don't think Biden is guilty of this from what I can see so far, but if he was, please charge him.
  10. Exactly. It does confirm the call portion of the complain which lends it some credibility, and Trump did that to himself. They need to interview some of these other people. However, there is a lot of things that Congress will need to further substantiate. As an example, there isn't enough evidence right now that Trump moved other conversations, or even this one, to a highly classified system. We have second hand accounts about this. Congress needs to put people under oath and see what's going on. They also need to try to dig deeper to see if they can prove that Trump used the withholding of aid to pressure Ukraine.
  11. I was asked at work what law Trump broke and the implication was there was no law, so if anyone does that to you, make sure you tell them about the Tile of Nobility Clause of the U.S. Constitution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_of_Nobility_Clause
  12. I think there is a chance, but it is becoming very unlikely. I think a percentage of Biden supporters would just go Warren instead of a more moderate candidate if Biden left the race. I would like to see a Buttigieg, Delaney, or Beto presidency, but Butti is the only one that has a slight chance of pulling it off.
  13. Biden is concerned Warren is too far left which decreases the probability of a victory in his mind. He will stick with it because he thinks he’s the best old person for the job.
  14. It is a better chance than Mueller of breaking through. That’s why I believe Pelosi went for it. You won’t get 80% of the public on board “, but if you can get 60% of the public, it will likely hurt Trump’s re-election chances and it’s the right thing to do based on what I’ve read.
  15. It's not about strength, it's about understanding how the public digests information. Many of the other charges are too complicated for the public to have the time to put into to understand. The Ukraine case is different because people can catch on quick. Soak the public in the Ukraine case. It won't confuse them. They will eventually catch on since it's more straight forward. If you throw a bunch of other shit at them right out the gate, they will get confused and distracted. Democrats need to focus.
  16. While these are crimes, they are dealt with in a political body so of course it's a political game to an extent. Democrats need to fully win over the public. Those 20% that are undecided in the yougov poll needs to cross over to the impeach column.
  17. The right move is to focus on Ukraine. It's something that will eventually stick to the public. Don't muddy it up with multiple charges right away. The rest of the stuff should be brought up after they finish investigating Ukraine if it benefits them. That's my opinion.
  18. Why hasn’t more emphasis been placed on Trump not delivering the whistleblower report to Congress as required by Federal law? I want to see the report, not the “transcript”.
  19. I think we can put the past behind us. It's happening. I trusted Pelosi's judgment, most everyone else here didn't. Moderates are now on board. It's also starting well before the election which gives Democrats plenty of time to smear Donald before his time runs out next November.
  20. Romney probably won't even vote for it. Maybe more facts will come out while Dems investigate in the house.
  21. House committees investigate, then eventually there is a vote for impeachment if the investigation bears fruit. A simple majority in the house can impeach a President. The trial goes to the senate. The senate can remove a sitting president with a 2/3 majority. That’s going to be the tough part.
  22. This is exciting! Edit: Pelosi getting on board means that the vast majority of Democrats, including moderates, are on board. I know everyone wanted it sooner, but maybe people should just be happy it's happening with a more united front.
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